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This workshop on Safety Systems for Real Time Applications in Accordance to International Standards will be held as part of the PSAM and ESREL conference and takes place in Helsinki, Finland. The workshop discusses new and interesting issues on safety related systems 

Workshop Organizers

Prof.Dr.-Ing. habil. Josef Börcsök

Department of
Computer Architecture and
System Programming
University of Kassel,

Dr. Michael H. Schwarz

Safety Computer Technology
University of Kassel, German

Workshop Committee

Prof. Dr. Galip Consever
Yildiz Technical University,
Istanbul, Tyrkey 

Prof. Chris Cox
Control Systems Centre,
University of Sunderland,
Sunderland, United Kingdom

Prof. Dr. Haluk Görgün
Yildiz Technical University,
Istanbul, Tyrkey

Prof. Dr. John MacIntyre
University of Sunderland,
Sunderland, United Kingdom  

Prof. Dr. Adnan Salihbegovic
University of Sarajevo,
Bosnia Herzegovina

Prof. Dr. Marcus Vetter
University of Applied Science
Mannheim, Germany

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dan Komosny
Brno University of Technology
Czech Republic

Dr. Phillip Tann
Em8 Technology Limited,
United Kingdom

Dr. Michael J. Short
Teesside University,
United Kingdom  

Topics of interest, but not limited:

  • Safety applications
  • Safety systems for real time applications
  • Relevance of international standards e.g. IEC 61508
    • New Issues and its interpretation
  • Hardware and software design and application

Importent Dates:
June 17, 2011: Abstract Submission
30. September 2011: Notification of Abstract Accept
30. January 2012: Paper Submission
15. February 2012: Notification of Acceptance
30. March 2012: Camera Ready Manuscript
30. March 2012: Early Registration Deadline
30. March 2012: Authors' Registration Deadline
25. - 29. June 2012: Conference 


Contact Information:

The abstract should be submitted toEmail.
The papers should be submitted using the standard Comadem submission procedure, but with an indication that this paper should be considered for the workshop. Submitted papers will be peer reviewed prior to the final submission. 

Further information about the workshop can be found:


PFD Download

Call for Papers


Safety Systems for Real-Time Applications in Accordance to International Standards