

GeDIS Team Participates in a Workshop ‘Bias in Information, Algorithms, and Systems’

Claude Draude and Goda Klumbyte will participate at a BIAS workshop in Sheffield, UK, that interrogates bias in information, algorithms and systems. During the workshop they will present a paper (co-authored with Pat Treusch, TU Berlin) ‘Re-Considering Bias: What Could Bringing Gender Studies and Computing Together Teach Us About Bias in Information Systems?’.

The paper asks what we could learn from approaches to bias analysis in the field of gender studies and how the methodologies developed in gender studies could be beneficial to understanding, analysing and managing bias in information systems. Authors look at two specific theories originating in gender and feminist science and technology studies – ‘situated knowledges’ (Donna Haraway) and ‘strong/weak objectivity’ and ‘standpoint theory’ (Sandra Harding). Specific parameters of gender-related bias are taken into account: androcentrism, over/underestimation of gender differences, stereotyping of gender traits and emphasizing dichotomies through research design. Through these examples the paper showcases how the above-mentioned theoretical framework can be applied to develop a better understanding of the workings of bias in information systems and the possibilities of a societally shared accountability for biased systems.

The workshop is part of the iConference 2018, hosted by The Information School at Sheffield and The iSchool at Northumbria University. Under the theme of ‘Transforming Digital Worlds’, iConference  brings together thinkers and leaders from academia, industry and not-for-profit organisations, to discuss emerging challenges and potential solutions for information and data management in our rapidly changing world. Conference proceedings will be published in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.

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