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International oriented and regionally at home

The faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science maintains versatile contacts with universities, research institutes and students around the world. Due to our active exchange with scientists from diverse international projects, our students obtain experience abroad at an early stage.

Research Relations

The University of Kassel maintains scientific contacts with numerous universities abroad. In order to enable our students to study abroad, we have cooperation within the framework of EU programs, campaign programs of the DAAD, and individual activities of the departments. 

We have partner universities in the following countries: 

Algeria, Argentina , Armenia, Azerbaijan , Ethiopia , Australia , Bangladesh , Belarus , Belgium , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Brazil , Bulgaria , Chile , China , Costa Rica , Denmark , Ecuador , El Salvador , Ivory Coast , Estonia, Finland , France , Georgia , Ghana , Greece, Hungary , India, Indonesia , Iran , Ireland, Iceland , Israel , Italy , Japan , Jordan , Cameroon , Canada , Kazakhstan , Kenya , Kyrgyzstan , Colombia , Croatia , Cuba , Latvia, Lithuania , Luxembourg , Malaysia , Morocco, Mexico , Moldova , Mongolia , Namibia , New Zealand , Nicaragua , Netherlands, Norway , Austria , Pakistan , Palestine , Peru , Philippines, Poland , Portugal , Romania, Russia , Sweden, Switzerland , Zimbabwe , Singapore, Slovakia , Slovenia, Spain , Sri Lanka , South Africa , South Korea , Syria , Taiwan , Tanzania , Thailand , Togo , the Czech Republic , Turkey , Ukraine, USA , Uzbekistan , Venezuela , Vietnam , Cyprus.

Prof. Dr. Stefan Göller (Auslandsbeauftragter Informatik)

Prof. Dr. sc. techn. Dirk Dahlhaus (Auslandsbeauftragter Elektrotechnik)