Hanna Wüller

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  • B.Sc. Business Informatics
  • M.Sc. Public Health

After completing a dual bachelor's degree in business informatics with practical components at a banking service provider, I began a dual degree in nursing. After two years of studying nursing, I completed a master's degree in public health. Following this master's degree, I was lucky enough to be able to combine my theoretical and practical knowledge of healthcare and technology development in a research project at the University of Osnabrück. Through my work at the university and on the research project, which sparked my interest in further research, I began my doctorate in 2016. Since I wanted to work with reconstructive methodologies and methods, I completed the doctoral program Qualitative Educational and Social Research at Otto von Guericke University in Magdeburg in 2017-2020. The program and very good and appreciative supervision from Claude Draude and Rosa Mazzola meant that I was able to successfully complete my doctorate in 2022 at the University of Kassel in the Faculty of Social Sciences.

As a scientist with interdisciplinary training, I am particularly interested in the interplay between care work and technology as well as qualitative research methods. In my dissertation, I show the potential of agentive realism in the context of care. From this feminist perspective, a decentering of human actors and a consideration of power distributions can be conceived. The initial ideas for this work emerged in a research project on the use of augmented reality in service professions. During the considerations in the project, I realized again and again how much the mutual actors produce each other. I was happy to find a perspective in augmented reality that I could use to depict these interdependencies. Using video recordings with an adapted version of objective hermeneutics, I succeeded in depicting a "care phenomenon" and a "type of patient" with the respective actor boundaries and the fabrications of humanity and individuality. My work is rounded off with initial implications for practice.

To the publication at transcript Verlag

I believe that agential realism is a concept that can be taken further within the framework of care science. As much as I would like to look further in this direction and look at other areas of care work in addition to nursing, I am happy when other researchers continue to think and develop this perspective. If you have any questions about my work or my path, you can reach me by e-mail.