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[P24b] J. Posner: Resource Adaptivity at Task-Level. Supercomputing: Parallel Applications Workshop, Alternatives To MPI+X (PAW-ATM). Extended Abstract. Slides. 2024.

[P24a] J. Posner: The Impact of Evolving APGAS Programs on HPC Clusters. Proceedings Euro-Par Parallel Processing Workshops (DynResHPC). To appear, 2024. slides. Preprint.

[PP24c] J . Posner, P. Finnerty: Project Wagomu: Elastic HPC Resource Management. Poster. ISC High Performance Conference. 2024.

[PP24b] J . Posner, R. Goebel, P. Finnerty: Evolving APGAS Programs: Automatic and Transparent Resource Adjustments at Runtime. Proceedings Workshop on Asynchronous Many-Task Systems and Applications (WAMTA). 2024. slides.

[PP24a] P. Finnerty, J. Posner, J. Bürger, L. Takaoka, T. Kanzaki: On the Performance of Malleable APGAS Programs and Batch Job Schedulers. SN Computer Science. Springer, 2024.

[PP23b] J . Posner, F. Hupfeld, P. Finnerty: Enhancing Supercomputer Performance with Malleable Job Scheduling Strategies. Proceeding Euro-Par Parallel Processing Workshops (PECS). Springer, 2023. slides.

[PP23a] P. Finnerty, R. Takaoka, T. Kanzaki, J. Posner: Malleable APGAS Programs and their Support in Batch Job Schedulers. Proceeding Euro-Par Parallel Processing Workshops (AMTE). Springer, 2023. slides.

[P22a] J. Posner: Asynchronous Many-Tasking (AMT): Load Balancing, Fault Tolerance, Resource Elasticity. Poster. ISC High Performance Conference, 2022.

[PRF22a] J. Posner, L. Reitz, C. Fohry: Task-Level Resilience: Checkpointing vs. Supervision. Int. Journal of Networking and Computing, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2022.

[P21c] Jonas Posner: Load Balancing, Fault Tolerance, and Resource Elasticity for Asynchronous Many-Task Systems. Dissertation, University of Kassel, 2021.

[PF21a] J. Posner, C. Fohry: Transparent Resource Elasticity for Task-Based Cluster Environments with Work Stealing. Proc. Int. Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP) Workshops (P2S2), 2021.

[P21b] J. Posner: Resource Elasticity at Task-Level; Poster, PhD Forum Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2021, Extended Infos.

[PRF21a] J. Posner, L. Reitz, C. Fohry: Checkpointing vs. Supervision Resilience Approaches for Dynamic Independent Tasks. Proc. IEEE Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symp., Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models, 2021, pp. 556-565.

[P21a] J. Posner. Locality-Flexible and Cancelable Tasks for the APGAS Library. Poster. EuroHPC Summit Week, PRACEdays, 2021.

[P20a] J. Posner. System-Level vs. Application-Level Checkpointing. Poster Paper. Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 2020.

[PRF19a] J. Posner, L. Reitz, C. Fohry. A Comparison of Application-Level Fault Tolerance Schemes for Task Pools. Future Generation Computer Systems (Special Issue), Vol. 105, April 2020.

[PRF18a] J. Posner, L. Reitz, C. Fohry: Comparison of the HPC and Big Data Java Libraries Spark, PCJ and APGAS; Supercomputing, Parallel Applications Workshop (PAW-ATM), 2018, pp. 11-22.

[FPR18a] C. Fohry, J. Posner, L. Reitz: A Selective and Incremental Backup Scheme for Task Pools; Proc. Int. Conf. on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS), 2018, pp. 621-628.

[PF18b]J. Posner, C. Fohry: Hybrid Work Stealing of Locality-Flexible and Cancelable Tasks for the APGAS Library; The Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 74, No. 4, 2018, pp. 1435-1448.

[PF18a]J. Posner, C. Fohry: A Java Task Pool Framework providing Fault Tolerant Global Load Balancing, Int. Journal of Networking and Computing, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2018, pp. 2-31.

[PF17b]J. Posner, C. Fohry: A Combination of Intra- and Inter-Place Work Stealing for the APGAS Library. Proc. Int. Conf. on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, Workshop on Language-Based Parallel Programming Models, 2018, Springer LNCS 10778, pp. 234-243.

[P17a] J. Posner: A Generic Reusable Java Framework for Fault-Tolerant Parallelization with the Task Pool Pattern; Poster, PhD Forum Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2017.

[PF17a]J. Posner, C. Fohry: Fault Tolerance for Cooperative Lifeline-Based Global Load Balancing in Java with APGAS and Hazelcast; Proc. IEEE Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models, 2017, pp. 854-863. source code

[PF16a]J. Posner, C. Fohry: Cooperation vs. Coordination for Lifeline-Based Global Load Balancing in APGAS. X10 Workshop, 2016, ACM, pp. 13-17.

[FBP15b]C. Fohry, M. Bungart, J. Posner: Fault Tolerance Schemes for Global Load Balancing in X10. Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, Vol. 16, No. 2, 2015, pp. 169-185. source code

[FBP15a] C. Fohry, M. Bungart, J. Posner: Towards an Efficient Fault-Tolerance Scheme for GLB. X10 Workshop, 2015, ACM, pp. 27-32.

[BFP14]M. Bungart, C. Fohry, J. Posner: Fault-Tolerant Global Load Balancing in X10. Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, pp. 471-478. source code