Signal processing with microprocessors 1

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Block event

The submission of the paper is on 27 Aug. 2018 by email (in Word and PDF).             The exam will be held on 11 Sep. 2018 at 09:00 in room 1105.

Learning Objectives:
Mathematical principles and models of different methods of digital signal processing, Laplace transform, Fourier transform, z-transform, digital filter systems. 

Learning content:

Shannon theorem, Laplace transform, Fourier transform, z-transform, calculations of FIR and IIR filters for signal analysis, example applications from various applications.

Prerequisites according to exam regulations: digital technology, mathematics, microprocessors or computer architecture, programming.
Recommended Prerequisites: Programming skills, fundamentals of computer science, digital engineering, microprocessors or computer architecture, mathematics.

Location and Time:



4 SWS or 6 CP.

Interested students please send an email to the secretary's office .