Process computer

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Exam inspection "Prozessrechner" is on 13.11.2017 from 09:00 to 10:00 in room 1105.


Learning objectives:

Structure and mode of operation of process computer systems, their hardware and software components, basics of control options using process computers, modeling of processes, mathematical descriptions of the processes to be controlled or regulated.    

Course content:
Structure of processes, mathematical model descriptions, structure of process computer systems, structure and mode of operation of peripheral units, real-time properties.

Prior knowledge:
Digital technology, microprocessors or computer architecture, basics of programming, basics of control engineering, basics of mathematics

Course number: FB16-6602 

Place and time:
Fridays from 10.00 to 12.00, Room:2104



4 SWS or 6 CP

Please send an email to the secretary's office if you are interested.

Written exam:
18.09.2017 from 12:30-14:30 in room 1603