Industrial networks

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The exam date for the lecture "Industrial Networks" will take place on Thursday, 23.03.2017 from 08:00. HS will be announced. The submission of the papers is on 16/03/2017.

Learning Objectives:

  • Networks: classes, structure, topologies, protocols, transmission media, ISO/OSI layer model.
  • Errors in network systems: Failure rates and probabilities.
  • Safety-related networks: failure rate, reliability and security, fault prevention and control in networks, design of safety-related components in networks.
  • Fundamentals of industrial network technologies: Operational transmission ratio, operational attenuation ratio, line theory fundamentals for industrial networks.
  • Data Transmission Systems: Baseband, step response, modulation.
  • Industrial bus systems: e.g. CAN bus.

Previous knowledge:
Basics of computer science, basics of mathematics, digital technology, basics of programming, basics of electrical engineering.

Course number : FB16-6607

Time and Location :
Tuesdays, 08:30am - 10:30am, Room: 1332

Start: 25.10.2016


Practice Instructor:

4 SWS or 6 CP

Office hours:
by appointment

Exam date:

Exam review:


Place and time:
Mondays, 13:00 - 15:00, Room: -1607

Start: start of 1st exercise will be announced in lecture.


Office hours:

Exercise sheets:

Practice exam: