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The workshop on Safety Integrated Systems and Applications for Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis (SISACMD'10) will be held as part of the Comadem'10 conference and takes place in Nara, Japan. The workshop discusses new and interesting issues on safety related architectures and protocols for the development of reliable sensors to be used in maintenance systems.

Workshop Organizers

Prof.Dr.-Ing. habil. Josef Börcsök

Department of
Computer Architecture and
System Programming
University of Kassel

Dr. Michael H. Schwarz

Department of
Computer Architecture and
System Programming
University of Kassel

Topics of interest, but not limited:

  • Safety architectures for sensors
  • Software development for safety related systems
  • Safety related communication
  • Safety related protocols
  • Safe wireless communication
  • Verification and validation
  • Safety related parameters

Important Dates:
15th. January 2010 Paper Submission
31st. March 2010 Notification of paper acceptance
3rd May 2010 Final Paper Submission
28th - 2nd. July. 2010 Conference

Contact Information

Papers should be submitted using the standard Comadem submission procedure, but with an indication that this paper should be considered for the workshop.

Further information about the workshop can be found:


PFD Download

Call for Papers


Safety Integrated System and Applications for Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis (SISACMD '10)