The workshop on safety computer architecture and systems will be held as part of the 6th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCS-08) and takes place in Doha, Qatar.
The workshop discusses new and interesting issues of the design, development and implementation of safety computer architectures and systems
Workshop Chair
Prof.Dr.-Ing. habil. Josef Börcsök HIMA Paul Hildebrandt GmbH+Co KG Germany and University of Kassel Germany
Workshop Vice Chair
Dr. Michael H. Schwarz University of Kassel Germany
Program Committee
Prof.Dr. Andreas Gräßer University of Applied Science of Darmstadt Germany
Prof.Dr. Harmut Hillmer University of Kassel Germany
Dr. Dan Komosny University of Brno Czech Republic
Prof. Chris Cox University of Sunderland United Kingdom
Dr. Michael J. Short University of Leicester United Kingdom | Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: - Safety for critical systems
- Engineering for system robustness and reliability
- Contingency Planning and Occurrence Reporting
- Safety-oriented system design
- Human tasks and error models
- Hazard analysis Preparedness
- Cost and effectiveness of system safety
- Verification and validation of safety
- Safety control and management
- Control of mission critical systems
- Evaluation of safety data, and mitigation and prevention strategies
- System Safety Implementation Guidelines and Standards
- Transferring safety knowledge
- Metrics for Risk Assessment
- Industry specific safety systems
- Process and Chemical industry
- Oil and petroleum industry
Important Dates:
November 10, 2007 Paper submission
20. December 2007 Notification of acceptance or rejection
10. January 2008 Final Camera ready paper due
1.April - April 4, 2008 Conference
Papers should be submitted with "workshop on safety computer architecture and systems" in the e-mail heading to the following Email address.
Download Call for Papers (PDF)