Finalized Projects
Entwurf einer Cognitive Radio-Architektur basierend auf Optimierten Zeit-Frequenz-Signaldarstellungen (CAROUSAL) [6]
The aim of CAROUSAL is to design and implement a cognitive radio prototype with an application in the industry in mind, namely with industrial automation as a main field of application. Shifting from wired to wireless already has countless benefits, and the use of cognition gives a clear edge on the wireless solutions already used in automation, as here, high reliability and low data delivery delay are required. CAROUSAL will achieve this goal by combining optimized time-frequency pulses with a cognitive channel access scheme based on prediction of spectral white spaces to avoid collision.
Cooperative Sensor Communication (COCOON) [7]
The progress in wireless communications achieved over the last few decades has made it possible that today more than half of the world’s population can communicate using wireless and mobile radio systems. Increasingly, broadband information infrastructure can be accessed using advanced communication systems. In the future, however, the provision of different types of services by massively interconnected wireless sensor and communication systems will revolutionize living and working environments. For the so-called ubiquitous communication, i.e. the exchange of information in a network of users, computers and physical objects at any place and any time, the further development of scientific methods and tools, of new basic technologies as well as novel communication paradigms is required urgently.
An independent study of the international consortium "The Climate Group", consisting of representatives from economy, politics and administration, shows that the emissions of CO2 caused by information and communication technology (ICT) devices will double until the year 2020. Simultaneously, however, sensor networks offer substantial improvements of energy efficiency by monitoring and optimization. As a consequence, global emissions of CO2 outside the ICT sector can be saved by about 10 percent. This corresponds to savings of 7.8 billion tons of CO2 per year with respect to the year 2020. Clearly, these savings exceeding the emission of CO2 of the United States or the People’s Republic of China can only be achieved by the further development and future use of ICT.
Apart from the aforementioned energy savings, there are many different novel applications and corresponding scientific problems of communication networks which can be cast into the context of a so-called Smart City. The latter concept requires an intelligent environment in which services supporting the daily life are available always and everywhere. Embedded in a Smart City are intelligent buildings (smart homes), intelligent transportation systems (smart transport), wireless personal area networks (PANs) and wireless and mobile backbones. In order to realize this vision, an infrastructure is required where all devices can communicate with each other wirelessly in a cooperative fashion. In such a network with a huge number of mobile and stationary nodes and the simultaneous consideration of different performance criteria (e.g. the data rate or latency requirements), the following aspects are of utmost importance:
- flexible and scalable network and device architectures
- efficient resource management
- security and context sensitive services with quality orientation
- interference resistant cooperative communications
- energy and bandwidth efficient wireless communications
- reconfigurable transceiver architectures.
In view of the huge number of nodes and the high node density, fundamentally new approaches for satisfying the aforementioned requirements are necessary, e.g. strategies for the interference management, scalable architectures for supporting heterogeneous networks and services as well as implementation approaches for energy efficient and reconfigurable transceiver architectures.
The objective of the project Cooperative Sensor Communication (COCOON) (jointly carried out with the Technical University of Darmstadt in the framework of the LOEWE program) is the establishment of an interdisciplinary research focus which is to address fundamental scientific problems in the area of cooperative sensor communication. To that end, scientific methods and tools for cooperative sensor communication will be developed and implemented in a platform. The starting point is the assumption of a dynamic system of spatially distributed and autonomous sensors representing the nodes of a complex communication network, while no novel sensors or sensor technology will be developed.
This project jointly carried out with the University Hospital in Dusseldorf focuses on the simulation and the experimental verification of radiofrequency ablation used in kidney cancer therapy. A high frequency electric current is introduced into the affected tissue by a special applicator which is placed in the human body. The impact of the electric energy results in a warming of the tissue and leads to a necrosis of the tumor after a certain time. The objective of this work is to build a computer model which considers the changes in tissue properties caused during the ablation process in order to do a preplanning of a corresponding treatment. Different simulation tools are applied. The software package Femlab from Comsol offers the possibility of solving coupled partial differential equations, which occur in this problem. This is the bioheat-equation on the one hand and the equations for the electric and magnetic potentials, describing the electro-magnetic quantities, on the other hand. These equations have to be extended by the Navier-Stokes equations from fluid dynamics to take into account perfusion arising from blood and urine flows within the kidney and leading to a cooling of the target area. The simulation is compared with the results of an appropriate measurement system built in the lab. In order to verify the results in real-world experiments, a sample treatment is carried out with pigs where testing probes measure the temperature over time at different positions in the target tissue.
Title | Universal Radio-Link Platform For Efficient User-Centric Access (URANUS) |
Typ | STREP of the EU [5] |
Content | Design of a universal radio link platform ableto access any existing proprietary and standardized wireless system in a unified way (single-mode transmission),to support simultaneous usage of links in different types of air interfaces (multi-mode transmission) and,to ease the introduction of future personalized communications (user-defined modes) and reconfigurable air interfaces;novel and efficient parametric approach to describe wireless transceivers in the complex baseband using a Generic Multi Carrier Repre-sen¬tation (GMCR), where a specific signalling format or mode is uniquely represented by a corresponding set of parameters (common transceiver structure for e.g. OFDM and W-CDMA based air interfaces); more... |
Partners | European industrial partners, universities, research institutes |
Time period | 01.2006 - 12.2008 |
Title | My personal Adaptive Global NET and Beyond (MAGNET Beyond) |
Type | IP of the EU [2] |
Content | User-centricity, personalization and personal networks (PNs); smarter, more responsive environments, and more accommodating to the needs of the user without jeopardizing privacy and security of the individual; adaptive schemes for PAN optimized air interfaces with low data rate FM-UWB and high data rate MC-SS; novel heterogeneous stacks with a universal convergence layer; PAN, PN and PN federation as essential part of next generation systems; implementation and commercialization of an actual PN secure architecture; autonomous P-PAN formation extended to PN-to-PN communications and the formation of overlays involving devices and nodes from multiple PNs; user profiles and pilot services implementation; context and service discovery; trust and identity management; more... |
Partners | European industrial partners, universities, research institutes |
Time period | 01.2006 - 06.2008 |
Title | Network of Excellence in Wireless COMmunications (NEWCOM) |
Type | NoE of the EU [1] |
Content | Head of module "Receiver Design for Multicarrier Systems"; analysis of multi-user OFDM systems in broadband interference limited environments (e.g. use of ISM bands); consideration of different modes (MC-CDMA, MC-TDMA); novel algorithms for robust channel estimation, detection and (turbo) decoding |
Partners | European universities and research institutes |
Time period | 03.2004 - 02.2006 |
Title | My personal Adaptive Global NETwork (MAGNET) |
Type | IP of the EU [2] |
Content | Head of cluster MC-TDMA; signal processing in the PHY layer of a wireless personal area network (WPAN); conception of a flexible adaptive broadband air interface on basis of OFDM for WPAN (coverage ≈ 10 m) under consideration of novel concepts (MIMO, non-orthogonal multi-carrier transmission, exploitation of channel state information within adaptive modulation and coding etc.); parametric description of algorithms for the design of an adaptive MAC layer |
Partners | European industrial partners, universities, research institutes |
Time period | 01.2004 - 12.2005 |
Title | Towards Mobile Broadband Multimedia Networks |
Type | COST project [3] |
Content | Analysis of stochastic channel models and transmission systems in the PHY layer of future 4G mobile radio systems; proposal of a non-orthogonal multi-carrier transmission for enhancing the flexibility of conventional OFDM systems; efficiency enhancement of digital signal processing in heterogenous systems by concepts like software defined radio and adaptive modulation |
Partners | European universities and research institutes |
Time period | 05.2001 - 04.2005 |
Title | Channel Estimation and Detection for Mobile User Terminals |
Type | Bilateral project |
Content | Proposal of multiple concepts for blind interference suppression in the UTRA/WCDMA downlink; analysis of linear time invariant/variant equalizers and concepts for regenerative interference substraction; enhancement of channel estimation by contemporary increase of model order and observation interval |
Partner | Siemens AG |
Time period | 01.2000 - 09.2004 |
Title | Joint Space-Time WCDMA Demodulator |
Type | Bilateral project |
Content | Space-time signal processing for channel estimation in the UTRA/WCDMA uplink; selection of suitable parameters for the description of transmission properties for beamforming in the downlink (requires frequency compensation because of the FDD transmission); analysis of transmission quality for imperfect channel estimation under consideration of channel coding (convolutional codes, turbo codes) |
Partner | Alcatel SEL AG |
Time period | 09.2001 - 08.2002 |
Title | Adaptive Multicarrier Access System (ADAMAS) |
Type | IST project [4] |
Content | Definition of a novel adaptive transmission system for broadband outdoor wireless access on basis of OFDM; development of a channel model for unlicensed/licensed transmission at 5.8/10.5 GHz; adaptive modulation/coding for bitrats of 64 kbps. . .25 Mbps |
Partners | Lucent, INTRACOM, RUNCOM, Hellenic Telecomm. Org. |
Time period | 04.2000 - 03.2003 |
Title | Radio Channel and Smart Antenna Research |
Type | Bilateral project |
Content | Modeling of propagation properties for 5...60 Ghz wireless radio systems; application of intelligent antennas for channel estimation in MIMO-OFDM systems; proposal of a LMMSE channel estimator under consideration of spatial correlation functions, which where determined at a 24 GHz measurement at IKT; analysis of the influence of non-ideal system components on channel estimation; quantization of bit error rates for space-time coding and imperfect channel estimation |
Partners | Sunrise, Nokia Research |
Time period | 01.2000 - 12.2002 |
Titel | Advanced Signal Processing for Link Capacity Increase in UMTS (ASILUM) |
Typ | IST-Projekt [4] |
Inhalt | Untersuchung effizienter Kombinationen verschiedener Algorithmen (intelligente Antennen, Mehrbenutzerdetektion, Turbocodierung, Raum-Zeit-Codierung usw.) zur Erhöhung der Kapazität in terrestrischem UMTS (TDD und FDD); kombinierte Simulation auf Systemebene/Verbindungsebene mit parametrischer Schnittstelle unter COSSAP; Untersuchung der Verfahren bez. verschiedener Implementierungsaspekte wie Komplexität, Festpunktarithmetik, Aufteilung Hardware/Software, Kalibrationsfehler etc. |
Partner | Mitsubishi, Ascom, Inst. Superior Tecnico, IMST, CEA Leti |
Zeitraum | 01.2000 - 12.2001 |
Title | Wireless Flexible Personalized Communications |
Type | COST project [3] |
Content | Analysis of a novel broadband stochastic channel model; realization of position-dependent channel measurements at 24 GHz and a bandwidth of 1 GHz; improved algorithms for interference suppression in UMTS; signal processing with intelligent antennas |
Partners | European universities and research institutes |
Time period | 01.1998 - 12.2000 |
Title | FRAMES (Future Radio Wideband Multiple Access System) |
Typ | EU project |
Content | Study of a receiver concept with multiple antennas at the base station for a CDMA mobile radio system (FRAMES mode 2) |
Partner | CSEM |
Time period | 9.1995 - 6.1999 |
Title | FRANS (Fibre Radio ATM Network and Services) |
Type | EU project |
Content | Proposal of an algorithm for joint coherent demodulation at the base station of a multi-2Mb/s-CDMA system and definition of the air interface |
Partners | CEA Leti, Elektrobit |
Time period | 9.1995 - 5.1999 |
[1] NOE . . . Network of Excellence (6. Rahmenprogramm der EU)
[2] IP . . . Integrated Project (6. Rahmenprogramm der EU)
[3] COST . . . Coopération européenne dans le domaine de la recherche scientifique et technique
[4] IST . . . Information Society Technology (5. Rahmenprogramm der EU)
[5] STREP . . . Specific Targeted Research Project (6. Rahmenprogramm der EU)
[6] VIP . . . Validierung des Innovationspotenzials wissenschaftlicher Forschung (BMBF)
[7] LOEWE . . . Landes-Offensive zur Entwicklung Wissenschaftlich-ökonomischer Exzellenz (Land Hessen)