Completed dissertations, master's theses and bachelor's theses

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Daniel Kernberger, Hybrid Branching-Time Logics, 2019

Florian Bruse, Extremal Fixpoints for Higher-Order Modal Logic, 2018

Milka Hutagalung, Buffered Simulation for Büchi Automata, 2018



Eric Alsmann, On the Undecidability of the Output Reachability Problem for Transformer Sequence Classifiers, 2023

Marco Sälzer, Convergence of Modal Fixpoint Forms over Special Classes of Structures, 2020

Adrian Sturm, Constructing a Model Checking Algorithm for Higher Order Modal Logic using Binary Decision Diagrams, 2019

Benedikt Hruschka, Implementation of an Interactive Model Checker for First-Level Logic over Automatic Structures, 2019

David Kronenberger, Capturing Bisimulation-Invariant Complexity Classes by Polyadic Higher-Order Fixpoint Logic, 2019

Lara Yöruk, SoPHY - A Specification Language for Hybrid Systems, 2017

Orcun Yörük, Simon - A simulation tool for hybrid systems, 2017

Arno Ehle, Proof Search in the Sequent Calculus for First-Order Logic with Equality, 2017



Laurin Pöppe, Implementation of a translation of neural networks into I/O-equivalent finite automata, 2024

Adrian Nestroinai, Development of a TeachingBook Component to Support the Learning of Formal Grammars, 2024

Jan Heinemeyer, Hypothesis Testing in Biology: Extension and Connection of the Calculus of Influence to a Teaching/Learning System for Hypothesis Testing, 2023

John Hundhausen, A website construction kit for interactive lecture notes and worksheets, 2023

Clemens Weiße, Frontend development of a reduction trainer for students, 2023

Lars-Eric Marquardt, Formal Verification of Different Semantics for an Abstract Higher-Order Fixpoint Algebra in Isabelle/HOL, 2022

Kathrin Lehmann, Tool-supported learning in the context of computability theory: a backend prototype for automated verification of reductions, 2022

Stefan Kablowski, Computing All Minimal Corrections for a Word to Match a Context-Free Description, 2022

Sören Möller, An Efficient Algorithm for Proof Search in the Calculus of Influence, 2022

Maurice Herwig, Calculation of a weighting of regular languages, 2021

Georg Siebert, On the way to an artificial teaching assistant: Learning evaluation schemes for finite automata with GNNs, 2021

Eric Alsmann, Inexpressibility Results for Propositional Dynamic Logic over Context-Free Programs, 2021

Jan Müller, A Web Application for Predicate Logic Model Checking of Graph Structures, 2021

Lukas Mentel, Detection and Elimination of Constants to Strengthen k-Induction, 2021

Marco Sälzer, Neededness Analysis for Model Checking Properties Defined by Order-2 Fixpoints, 2018

Arno Ehle, Investigations on partial reductions of parity games to Büchi games, 2015

Thorsten Löbig, Investigations on the applicability of formal methods using the example of an infusion pump, 2014

Michael Falk, Fixed point iteration for parity games, 2013