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04.10.2021 | Gender/Diversity in Informatiksystemen

Gender-Extended Research and Development Model (GERD) Now Available in English

An updated and revised interactive version of the Gender-Extended Research and Development Model (GERD) is now available in English language.

GERD is a scien­tific model for intro­ducing aspects of gender & diver­sity into the practi­cal develop­ment of tech­nology. The GERD model has been designed for use in the tech industry and related research fields. It provides knowledge and guidelines for teams across the various phases of research and development.

The GERD model links Infor­matics with Gender Studies thinking. It names seven key phases in research and development that are passed clockwise and at times repeatedly. Each phase is characterized by some typical activities with examples.

The whole process is extended by eight "reflection aspects" that have been derived from basic concepts of Gender/­Diversity Studies. Each aspect can be related to every research and development phase.

GERD is also useful for teaching purposes.

For more information on the GERD model visit our blog.

We hope it will inspire you!

Susanne Maaß, Claude Draude and Nana Kesewaa Dankwa