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Phillip Lücking to Give a Talk Regarding Algorithms and Social Inequality in Stuttgart

Algorithms are becoming more pervasive in everyday life. From health-tracking apps over recommendation algorithms to more hidden usage regarding credit scores or predictive policing, their range of potential applications is tremendous. At the same time, social inequality and with it the difference in income and life opportunities between the very rich and poor is steadily growing. Under austerity in Europe, social services
are cut back and tightly managed. In other countries, algorithms have been known to be a center piece of making public administration supposedly more efficient. One example can be witnessed in the neighboring country of Austria, where the debate around the implementation of a predictive score regarding the "job market potentiality of the unemployed" is currently undergoing a test run until its planned integration in 2020.

The talk is held in context of the 16th action week "Poverty threatens everyone" organized by the Landesarmutskonferenz Baden-Württemberg. It will comprise of an introduction in key algorithm technologies, a collection of illustrative examples of algorithms reportedly (re)producing social inequalities, provides an analysis along these examples on a socio-technical level and close with perspective outlooks.
There will also be a spacious time slot for further discussion and questions from the audience.

Further information on the talk and the full program of the action week are available as PDF (only in german).

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