
(student publications are marked in bold, *shared first-authorship)



Uclés Ramada, G., Kachel, S., & Posio, P. J. (accepted for publication). Conflict, gender, and amount of talk: Gender differences in Spanish role play data. Pragmatics and Society.

Carcelén Guerrero, A., Uclés, G., Posio, P., & Kachel, S. (accepted for publication). CoLaGe: Corpus for the Study of Language and Gender in two varieties of spoken Spanish. Corpora

Büttner, C. M., Rudert, S. C., & Kachel, S. (2024). Ostracism experiences of sexual minorities: Integrating target perspective and perception by others. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, online first.

Ende, L., & Reinhard, M.-A. (2023). Rich and Easy to Deceive? The Influence of Money Priming on the Ability to Detect Deception. Preprints.

Kachel, S., Bloch, T., Bosson, J. K., Lorenz, L. L., & Steffens, M. C. (2024). Gaining masculine power through guns? The impact of masculinity threat on attitudes towards guns. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, Article 1296261.

Kachel, S., Simpson, A. P., & Steffens, M. C. (2024). Speakers’ vocal expression of sexual orientation depends on experimenter gender. Speech Communication, 156, Article 103023.

Lang-Lehmann, S., Müller, P., Reinhard, M. A., & Volz, S. (2024). How Empowerment Can Help to Reduce Change-Related Uncertainty in Young Employees. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 60(2), 254-279.

*Posio, P., *Kachel, S., & Uclés Ramada, G. (2024). Morphosyntactic stereotypes of speakers with different genders and sexual orientations: An experimental investigation. Linguistics, online first.

Reinhardt, N., Mikesch, M., Hoppe, L., & Reinhard, M.-A. (2024). Close replication of Paul, Lee, and Ashton (2022): Who tells prosocial lies? Journal of Research in Personality, 112, Article 104525.



Benz, D., & Reinhard, M. A. (2023). Depression, race-based bias, and judgments of veracity. European Journal of Psychology Open, 82(1), 31–43.

Ende, L., Reinhard, M.-A., & Göritz, L. (2023). Detecting greenwashing! The influence of product color and product price on consumers’ detection accuracy of faked bio-fashion. Journal of Consumer Policy, 46, 155–189.

Gruber, R., Häfner, M. & Kachel, S. (2023). Dressing up social psychology: Empirically investigating the psychological functions of clothing using the example of symbolic protection. British Journal of Social Psychology, online first.

Harhoff, N., Reinhardt, N., Reinhard, M.-A., & Mayer, M. (2023). Agentic and communal narcissism in predicting different types of lies in romantic relationships. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, Article 114673.

Kachel, S., Nussbaum, C., & Pöhlmann, M. (2023). Queer events, relationships, and sports: Does topic influence speakers’ acoustic expression of sexual orientation? INTERSPEECH 2023, 4269–4273.

*Landmann, H., *Kachel, S., Kommerscheidt, L., Lange, F., Richter, I. (2023). Assessing diversity dimensions in environmental psychology: Challenges and recommendations. Umweltpsychologie, 27(1), 8–33.

Reinhard, M. A., Volz, S., Bos, K. V. D., & Müller, P. A. (2023). Is the uncertain self good at detecting lies? The influence of personal uncertainty on deception detection. European Journal of Social Psychology, 53(5), 984–1003.

Reinhardt, N., Reinhard, M-A., & Bittner-Fäthke, G. (2023). The correlation between Honesty-Humility and attitude toward counterfeit luxury. Italian Journal of Marketing, 2023, 503–519.

Reinhardt, N., Reinhard, M-A., & Schindler, S. (2023). Is peoples’ belief in a just world associated with (dis)honesty in romantic relationships? Journal of Research in Personality, 105, Article 104396.

Reinhardt, N., & Reinhard, M.-A. (2023). Honesty–humility negatively correlates with dishonesty in romantic relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,125(4), 925–942.

Schudlik, K., Reinhard, M. A., & Müller, P. (2023). The relationship between preparation, impression management, and interview performance in high-stakes personnel selection: a field study of airline pilot applicants. The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology, 33(2), 120–138.

Schindler, S., Reinhardt, N., & Reinhard, M. A. (2023). Challenges in detecting proximal effects of existential threat on lie detection accuracy. Current Psychology, 42(25), 22114–22126.

Volz, S., Reinhard, M. A., & Müller, P. (2023). Is it the judge, the sender, or just the individual message? Disentangling person and message effects on variation in lie-detection judgments. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 18(6), 1368–1387.



Mariss, A., Reinhardt, N., & Schindler, S. (2022). The role of just world beliefs in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Social Justice Research, 35(2), 188–205.

Mariss, A.*, Wenzel, K.*, Grünberg, C., & Reinhard, M.-A. (2022). Who wants to learn harder? The relationship between conservatism and liberalism, desirable difficulties, and academic learning. Social Psychology of Education, 25, 209–248.

Niedlich, C., Kachel, S., & Steffens, M. C. (2022). Sexual orientation information and hiring: Can individualizing information lead to negative stereotyping of sexual minority group members? Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 52(5), 1–18.

Reinhardt, N., Trnka, L. M., & Reinhard, M. A. (2022). The correlation of honesty-humility and learning goals with academic cheating. Social Psychology of Education, 26(1), 211–226.

Schindler, S., Reinhardt, N., & Reinhard, M.-A. (2022). Challenges in detecting proximal effects of existential threat on lie detection accuracy. Current Psychology, 42, 22114–22126.

Stolz, C., Reinhard, M.-A., & Ende, L. (2022). Mean girls, queen bees and iron maidons? Female leadership and accusations of workplace bullying. Open Psychology, 4, 249–264.

Said, N., Volz, S., Reinhard, M. A., Müller, P., & Huff, M. (2022). Do people know when they are good at spotting liars? Metacognitive efficiency in Lie Detection. PsyArXix.

Volz, S., Reinhard, M. A., & Müller, P. (2022). The confidence‐accuracy relation–A comparison of metacognition measures in lie detection. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 36(3), 673–684.

Volz, S., Reinhard, M. A., & Müller, P. (2022). Does Ego Depletion Elicit Stronger Cues of Deception? Open Psychology,4(1), 278–291.

Weissgerber, S. C., Grünberg, C., Neufeld, L., Steppat, T., & Reinhard, M. A. (2022). The interplay of math anxiety and math competence for later performance. Social Psychology of Education, 25(4), 977–1002.



Benz, D. & Reinhard, M.-A. (2021). Sadder and Less Gullible? Investigating Depressive Realism Effects in Judgments of Veracity. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 40, 404–421.

Ridder, J. & Reinhard, M.-A. (2021). When the toaster knows what you are up to: The effect of mentalisation on the uncanny valley effect. Psychreg Journal of Psychology, 40(5), 40–41.

Schindler, S., Wagner, L. K., Reinhard, M.-A., Ruhara, N., Pfattheicher, S., & Nitschke, J. (2021). Are criminals better lie detectors? Investigating offenders' abilities in the context of deception detection. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 35(1), 203–214.

Schindler, S., Reinhardt, N., & Reinhard, M.-A. (2021). Defending one’s worldviews under mortality salience: Testing the validity of an established idea. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 93, Article 104087.

Schudlik, K., Reinhard, M. A., & Müller, P. (2021). Prepared to fake? The relationship between applicants’ job interview preparation and faking. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 29(1), 29–54.

Wenzel, K., & Reinhard, M. A. (2021). Does the end justify the means? Learning tests lead to more negative evaluations and to more stress experiences. Learning and Motivation, 73, Article 1706.

Wenzel, K., & Reinhard, M. A. (2021). Learning with a double-edged sword? Beneficial and detrimental effects of learning tests—Taking a first look at linkages among tests, later learning outcomes, stress perceptions, and intelligence. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, Article 693585. 



Ask, K., Calderon, S., Mac Giolla, E., & Reinhard, M. A. (2020). Approach, avoidance, and the perception of credibility. Open Psychology, 2(1), 3-21.

Eck, J., Schoel, C., Reinhard, M. A., & Greifeneder, R. (2020). When and why being ostracized affects veracity judgments. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 46(3), 454–468.

Kachel, S., Steffens, M. C., Preuß, S., & Simpson, A. P. (2020). Gender (conformity) matters: Cross-dimensional and cross-modal associations in sexual orientation perception. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 39(1), 40–66.

Preuß, S., Ottenstein, C., Steffens, M. C., & Kachel, S. (2020). Using scenarios for measuring the affective and behavioral components of attitudes toward lesbians and gay men: Validation of the SABA-scale. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 49(5), 1645–1669.

Schindler, S. (2020). Ein achtsamer Blick auf den Achtsamkeits-Hype. Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching,27(1), 111–124.

Volz, S., Reinhard, M. A., & Müller, P. (2020). Why don't you believe me? Detecting deception in messages written by nonnative and native speakers. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 34(1), 256–269.

Wenzel, K., & Reinhard, M. A. (2020). Tests and academic cheating: do learning tasks influence cheating by way of negative evaluations? Social Psychology of Education, 23(3), 721–753.



Jaffé, M. E., Greifeneder, R., & Reinhard, M. A. (2019). Manipulating the odds: The effects of Machiavellianism and construal level on cheating behavior. PloS one, 14(11), Article e0224526.

Reinhardt, N., Wenzel, K., & Reinhard, M.-A. (2019). Am I responsible for my learning success? A study about the correlation between locus of control and attitudes towards and self-reported use of desirable difficulties. Journal of Psychological and Educational Research, 27, 7–24.

Reinhard, M. A., Weissgerber, S. C., & Wenzel, K. (2019). Performance expectancies moderate the effectiveness of more or less generative activities over time. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, Article 1623.

Pfundmair, M., Schindler, S., & Burgstaller, J. (2019). The role of oxytocin in terror management processes. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 103, 83–86.

Pfattheicher, S., Schindler, S., & Nockur, L. (2019). On the impact of Honesty-Humility and a cue of being watched on cheating behavior. Journal of Economic Psychology, 71, 159–174.

Schindler, J., Schindler, S., & Reinhard, M. A. (2019). Effectiveness of self-generation during learning is dependent on individual differences in need for cognition. Frontline Learning Research, 7(2), 23–39.

Schindler, S., Pfattheicher, S., Reinhard, M. A., & Greenberg, J. (2019). ‘Heroes aren’t always so great!’–Heroic perceptions under mortality salience. Social Influence, 14(3-4), 77–91.

Schindler, S., Pfattheicher, S., & Reinhard, M. A. (2019). Potential negative consequences of mindfulness in the moral domain. European Journal of Social Psychology, 49(5), 1055–1069. https://10.1002/ejsp.2570

Schindler, S., Reinhard, M.-A., Dobiosch, S., Steffan-Fauseweh, I., Özdemir, G., & Greenberg, J. (2019). The attenuating effect of mortality salience on dishonest behavior. Motivation and Emotion, 43(1), 52–62.

Schindler, S., Wenzel, K., Dobiosch, S., & Reinhard, M. A. (2019). The role of belief in a just world for (dis) honest behavior. Personality and Individual Differences, 142, 72–78.

Wenzel, K., & Reinhard, M. A. (2019). Relatively unintelligent individuals do not benefit from intentionally hindered learning: The role of desirable difficulties. Intelligence, 77, Article 101405.

Wissing, B. G., & Reinhard, M. A. (2019). The dark triad and deception perceptions. Frontiers in Psychology, 10,  Article 1811.



Geiger, M., Pfattheicher, S., Hartung, J., Weiss, S., Schindler, S., & Wilhelm, O. (2018). Self–compassion as a facet of neuroticism? A reply to the comments of neff, TóTh–KiráLy, and Colosimo (2018). European Journal of Personality, 32(4), 393–404.

Jaffé, M. E., Reinhard, M. A., Ask, K., & Greifeneder, R. (2018). Truth or tale? How construal level and judgment mode affect confidence and accuracy in deception detection. Open Psychology, 1(1), 12–24.

Kachel, S., Radtke, A., Skuk, V. G., Zäske, R., Simpson, A. P., & Steffens, M. C. (2018). Investigating the common set of acoustic parameters in sexual orientation groups: A voice averaging approach. PLoS ONE, 13(12). Article e0208686.

Kachel, S., Simpson, A. P., & Steffens, M. C. (2018). “Do I sound straight?”: Acoustic correlates of actual and perceived sexual orientation and masculinity/femininity in men’s speech. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 61(7), 1560–1578.

Schindler, S., Greenberg, J., & Pfattheicher, S. (2018). An existential perspective on the psychological function of shamans. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 41, Article e85.

Wissing, B. G., & Reinhard, M. A. (2018). Individual differences in risk perception of artificial intelligence. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 77(4), 149–15.

Weissgerber, S. C., Reinhard, M. A., & Schindler, S. (2018). Learning the hard way: Need for cognition influences attitudes toward and self-reported use of desirable difficulties. Educational Psychology, 38(2), 176–202.

Weissgerber, S. C., & Reinhard, M. A. (2018). Pilot study on the relationship of test anxiety to utilizing self-testing in self-regulated learning. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 10(4), 95–109.

Zimmermann, J., Schindler, S., Klaus, G., & Leising, D. (2018). The effect of dislike on accuracy and bias in person perception. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 9(1), 80–88.



Kachel, S., Simpson, A. P., & Steffens, M. C. (2017). Acoustic correlates of sexual orientation and gender-role self-concept in women's speech. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 141(6), 4793–2809.

Pfattheicher, S., Geiger, M., Hartung, J., Weiss, S., & Schindler, S. (2017). Old wine in new bottles? The case of self–compassion and neuroticism. European Journal of Personality, 31(2), 160–169.

Schindler, S., Reinhard, M. A., Grünewald, F., & Messner, M. (2017). ‘I Want to Persuade You!’–Investigating the effectiveness of explicit persuasion concerning attributes of the communicator and the marketing campaign. Social Influence, 12(4), 128–140.

Schindler, S., & Pfattheicher, S. (2017). The frame of the game: Loss-framing increases dishonest behavior. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 69, 172–177.

Schindler, S., & Reese, G. (2017). Social loafing in the refugee crisis: Information about existing initiatives decreases willingness to help. Societies, 7(2), 13.

Wagner, L., Schindler, S., & Reinhard, M.-A. (2017). The positive facet of self-compassion predicts self-reported use of and attitudes toward desirable difficulties in learning. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, Article 1353.

Weber, J., & Reinhard, M.-A. (2017). Be Empathic! The Influence of Empathy on Attitude Formation in the German Refugee Debate. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 9, 62–70. https://doi:10.5539/ijps.v9n1p62

Weissgerber, S. C., & Reinhard, M. A. (2017). Is disfluency desirable for learning? Learning and Instruction, 49, 199–217.

Wenzel, K., Schindler, S., & Reinhard, M. A. (2017). General belief in a just world is positively associated with dishonest behavior. Frontiers in psychology, 8, Article 1770.

Wissing, B. G., & Reinhard, M. A. (2017). The dark triad and the PID-5 maladaptive personality traits: Accuracy, confidence and response bias in judgments of veracity. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, Article 1549.



Genschow, O., & Schindler, S. (2016). The influence of group membership on cross-contextual imitation. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 23, 1257–1265.

Kachel, S., Steffens, M. C., & Niedlich, C. (2016). Traditional masculinity and femininity: Validation of a new scale assessing gender roles. Frontiers in Personality and Social Psychology, 95(7), Article 956.

Krispenz, A., Dickhäuser, O., & Reinhard, M. A. (2016). Assessing task difficulty for other people: when deeper evaluation means “it’s more about me!”. Social psychology of education, 19, 865–877.

Pfattheicher, S., Sassenrath, C., & Schindler, S. (2016). Feelings for the suffering of others and the environment: Compassion fosters proenvironmental tendencies. Environment and behavior, 48(7), 929–945.

Pfattheicher, S., & Schindler, S. (2016). Misperceiving bullshit as profound is associated with favorable views of Cruz, Rubio, Trump and conservatism. PloS one, 11(4), Article e0153419.

Schindler, S., Reinhard, M. A., Knab, M., & Stahlberg, D. (2016). The bicultural phenomenon. Social Psychology, 47(5), 233–243.

Schindler, S., Reinhard, M. A., & Dickhäuser, O. (2016). Boon and bane of being sure: the effect of performance certainty and expectancy on task performance. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 31, 245–253.

Weber, J., & Reinhard, M. A. (2016). Be Empathic! The Influence of Empathy on Attitude Formation in the German Refugee Debate. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 9(1), 1–62.

Weissgerber, S. C., Reinhard, M. A., & Schindler, S. (2016). Study harder? The relationship of achievement goals to attitudes and self-reported use of desirable difficulties in self-regulated learning. Journal of Psychological & Educational Research, 24(1), 42–60.



Marksteiner, T., Ask, K., Reinhard, M. A., & Dickhäuser, O. (2015). Saving cognitive resources when possible: The role of judgment consequences and the judgment tendency of other teachers in teachers’ assessment of students. Social Psychology of Education, 18, 735–747.

Pfattheicher, S., & Schindler, S. (2015). Understanding the dark side of costly punishment: The impact of individual differences in everyday sadism and existential threat. European Journal of Personality, 29(4), 498–505.

Reinhard, M. A., Schindler, S., & Dickhäuser, O. (2015). Effects of subjective task values and information processing on motivation formation. International Journal of Psychological Studies: IJPS, 7(3), 58–66.

Schindler, S., & Reinhard, M. A. (2015). Increasing skepticism toward potential liars: Effects of existential threat on veracity judgments and the moderating role of honesty norm activation. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, Article 1312.

Schindler, S., & Reinhard, M. A. (2015). Catching the liar as a matter of justice: Effects of belief in a just world on deception detection accuracy and the moderating role of mortality salience. Personality and Individual Differences, 73, 105–109.

Schindler, S., & Reinhard, M. A. (2015). When Death Is Compelling. Social Psychology, 6(46), 352–360.

Seibert, A., Schindler, S., & Reinhard, M. A. (2015). The heavy weight of death: How anti‐fat bias is affected by weight‐based group membership and existential threat. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 45(3), 139–146.

Schindler, S., & Reinhard, M. A. (2015). A hero in the name of truth: Mortality salience increases heroic perceptions of Edward Snowden. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 7(4), 1–43.

Wang, Y., Thomas, J., Weissgerber, S. C., Kazemini, S., Ul-Haq, I., & Quadflieg, S. (2015). The Headscarf Effect Revisited: Further Evidence for a Culture-Based Internal Face Processing Advantage. Perception, 44(3), 328–336.

Zimmermann, J., Böhnke, J. R., Eschstruth, R., Mathews, A., Wenzel, K., & Leising, D. (2015). The latent structure of personality functioning: Investigating criterion a from the alternative model for personality disorders in DSM-5. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 124(3), 532–548.



Ciccarello, L. & Reinhard, M.-A. (2014). LGS. Lebensglückskala [Verfahrensdokumentation und Fragebogen mit Auswertung]. In Leibniz-Institut für Psychologie (ZPID) (Hrsg.), Open Test Archive. Trier: ZPID.

Reinhard, M. A., Schindler, S., & Stahlberg, D. (2014). The risk of male success and failure: How performance outcomes along with a high-status identity affect gender identification, risk behavior, and self-esteem. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 17(2), 200–220.

Reinhard, M. A., Schindler, S., Raabe, V., Stahlberg, D., & Messner, M. (2014). Less is sometimes more: How repetition of an antismoking advertisement affects attitudes toward smoking and source credibility. Social Influence, 9(2), 116–132.

Reinhard, M. A., Marksteiner, T., Schindel, R., & Dickhäuser, O. (2014). Detecting lies and truths in social work: How suspicion level and familiarity affect detection accuracy. British Journal of Social Work, 44(2), 328–347.

Reinhard, M. A., Schindler, S., Stahlberg, D., & Seibert, A. (2014). The advantage of fitting the ingroup: Ingroup prototypicality and attributed occupational success. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 6(3), 129–133.

Schindler, S., Reinhard, M. A., Stahlberg, D., & Len, A. (2014). Quid pro quo: The effect of individuals' exchange orientation on prosocial behavior and the moderating role of mortality salience. Social Influence, 9(4), 242–254.

Szücs, A., Schindler, S., Reinhard, M. A., & Stahlberg, D. (2014). When Being a Bad Friend Doesn’t Hurt. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 73(2), 97–103.



Marksteiner, T., Reinhard, M. A., Lettau, F., & Dickhäuser, O. (2013). Bullying, cheating, deceiving: Teachers’ perception of deceitful situations at school. International Journal of Educational Psychology, 2(2), 193–220.

Reinhard, M. A., Scharmach, M., & Müller, P. (2013). It's not what you are, it's what you know: Experience, beliefs, and the detection of deception in employment interviews. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43(3), 467–479.

Reinhard, M. A., Greifeneder, R., & Scharmach, M. (2013). Unconscious processes improve lie detection. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 105(5), 721–739.

Reinhard, M. A., Scharmach, M., & Stahlberg, D. (2013). Too exhausted to see the truth: Ego depletion and the ability to detect deception. British Journal of Social Psychology, 52(4), 618–630.

Reinhard, M. A. (2013). Wer kann den Lügner entlarven? Need for Cognition und die Fähigkeit von Lehramtsstudierenden Wahrheit und Lüge zu erkennen. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie., 27(1-2), 63–75.

Schindler, S., Reinhard, M. A., & Stahlberg, D. (2013). Tit for tat in the face of death: The effect of mortality salience on reciprocal behavior. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49(1), 87–92.