Kassel Coaching Study
Kassel Coaching Study
- supported by the DBVC e.V., the DGSv, the ÖVS and the ICF Germany -.
Coaching is increasingly demanded and used in organizations. The previous scientific results could draw an overall positive conclusion with regard to the effectiveness of coaching.
But what actually makes coaching successful?
The Kassel Coaching Study is a comprehensive process-outcome study, i.e. in addition to the results of coaching, it also looks at influencing factors as well as their mode of action and interaction that have an impact on coaching success within the coaching process. Thus, the study contributes to understanding how the success of job-related (individual) coaching (workplace coaching ) comes about and how coaches can optimize the effectiveness of their approach. We want to show what actually happens in coaching:
- How does success in coaching come about?
- Which factors influence the effectiveness of coaching?
- How can you as a coach optimize the effectiveness of your approach?
For this purpose, the assessments of coach and coachee as well as audio recordings of entire coaching processes will be collected and evaluated. For this we would like to ask for your support !