
11/2015  „Emotion-Focused Therapy“. Prof. Robert Elliott (Ph.D) and Dr. Imke Hermann (Workshops für integrative Therapie, Berlin)

10/2015  Training in stress reduction training for children and adolescents, Technikerkrankenkasse (Dipl. Psych. Nina Hatzmann und Gabriele Bringer)

07/2015  Seminar „OPD-Diagnostik im Management“. Prof. Dr. Cord Benecke, Prof. Dr. Heidi Möller and Dr. Silja Kotte at university of Kassel.

07/2015  „Radical honesty“, Brad Blanton, Ph.D and Taber Shadburne, M.A. at kalikalos holistic education center, Alexandros (Greece).

10/2014  Seminar in “Emotion-Focused Therapy Level I”. Prof. Jeanne Watson, PhD, at the  Apanta-academy Eindhoven (Netherlands).

09/2014  „Emotion-Focused Therapy for Depression. Theory & Practice”, Prof. Robert Elliott, PhD, at the 2th Congress of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Humanistische Psychotherapie 25.-28. 09. 2014

08/2014 – 11/2014  “Experiential Approaches in psychodynamic therapy”. Dr. Lotte Hartmann-Kottek (Psychotherapie Akademie Hessen)

03/2014  Seminar in „Introductory, Intermediate and Advanced Meta-Analysis Techniques“, Dr. Bernd Weiß and Prof. Ariel M. Aloe, PhD, at Leibniz-Institute for the Social Science (GESIS)

07/2013 - Present  PhD Student at the Institute for Psychology, Theorie und Methodik der Beratung, University Kassel.

Thesis Topic: „Die Wirksamkeit der Humanistisch – Experienziellen Psychotherapie - Eine Metastudie über die allgemeinen und spezifischen Effekte humanistisch - experienzieller Therapieverfahren“

01/2012  Seminar in Methods of Meta-Analysis at the Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences (GESIS)

10/2005 - 07/2011  Psychology (diplom). Areas of  Focus: Clinical Psychology, Work and Organizational Psychology, Forensic Psychology and Cultural Psychology

Minor in Philosophy (Philosophy of Science)

Thesis Topic: „Denkkulturen in psychologischen Selbstmanagement­ansätzen und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Selbstbeziehung“

01/2003  Received the Certification to practice Psychotherapy (Heilpraktikergesetz) from the District Government of Braunschweig

01/2001 - 12/2002  Seminars in Anatomy, Physiology and different types of Natural Medicine at the Heilpraktikerschule Bad Zwischenahn

10/1999 - 12/2000  Seminars in Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry for the Certification to practice Psychotherapy (Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie)


Professional Experience

10/2015 – Present Freelance trainer for selected stress reduction training for Techniker Krankenkasse.

06/2012 - Present  Research Fellow at the Institute for Psychology, Theorie und Methodik der Beratung, University Kassel.

11/2009 - Present   Lecturer at the Vacational School „Berufsförderungswerk Weser-Ems (BfW)“ on the following topics: Psychology, Introducion to Psychiatry and Communication Training

09/2009 - Present   Freelance Consultant and Coach for „Unternehmensentwicklung Oliver Klonz“

11/2003 - Present   Lecturer and Organisational Manager in Clinical Pschology and Psychiatry for the Certifaction to practice Pschotherapy (Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie) for Giesela Willig

01/2003 - Present    Lecturer at the “School of Alternative Medicine”, „Heilpraktikerschule  Bad Zwischenahn“

01/2001 – 10/2004   Neuropsychological Trainer at the Rehabilitation Clinic in Wilhelmshaven, „Rehazentrum Wilhelmshaven“



2013 - Present   Member of the Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR)

2012-Present   Associate Member of the German Association of  Psychology (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs)) in the sections Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Work- Organisation- and Economic Psychology and History of Psychology

2008 - 2009    Member of the Doctoral Committee (PhD) at the University of Bremen

2008 - Present   Member of the German Association of Professional Psychologists (Bundesverbandes deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen (BDP)) in the sections of Psychotherapy and Economic Psychology


Scientific Interests:

Research Topics:    Supervision, Coaching, Consulting and Psychotherapy.

Further Interests:   Cultural and Folk Psychology. History, Sociology and Philosophy of Psychology.



German  (native)

English   (intermediate)

Italian    (beginner)