Research Projects

Psychoanalytic Clinical Supervision working with Child and Juvenile Social Workers (in cooperation with the international psychoanalytic university (IPU), Ludwig-Maximillians University (LMU), Martinswerk Dolar e.V. and Münchner Jugendhilfeverbund).

The aim of Programme is to evaluate psychoanalytic clinical supervision within Child and Juvenile Care. The Psychoanalytic Clinical Supervision is designed to help Social Workers to improve their skills to detect the inclination of violence from their clients. Furthermore the Programe addresses coping mechanisms in daily work encounters by improving their countertransferce reaction.  The supervision will be carried out by the IPU and external clinical supervisors. This Program will be evaluated by a research team comprised from the following academic institutions: IPU, LMU – Munichen, and University of Kassel. The duration of the Project will be conducted within a two year period and will be followed by a “catamnesis” conducted the following year.

Programme Directors:  Prof. Dr. Hamburger (federführend), Prof. Dr. Svenja Taubner, Prof.  Dr. Mertens

Programme Coordinators in Kassel: Prof. Dr. Heidi Möller, Prof. Dr. Svenja Taubner


Systematic Review of the Efficacy and Effectiveness of humanistic therapies (in cooperation with the German Association of Gestalttherapist (Deutschen Dachverband GESTALTTHERAPIE für approbierte Psychotherapeuten e.V. (DDGAP))

After the introduction of the Law for Psychotherapy in Germany (Psychotherapeutengesetz ,PsychThG) passed in 1998.  The courts amendment to German law states the legitimacy of three therapeutic approaches (psychoanalytic, psychodynamic and cognitive - behavioral approaches) to be adopted by the scientific community. Using the criteria (Methodenpapier 2.8) developed by the Advisory Committee of the German Government (Wissenschatlicher Beirat Psychotherapie) the academic review will show the validity of the humanistic approach in therapy.

The analysis of the project will be conducted in three steps: literature review, research and evaluating findings. The aim of the academic review is to develop a better understanding of the Efficacy of humanistic therapies.

Programme Director:  Prof. Dr. Heidi Möller