

Date of birth                          26.06.1973
Place of birth:                       Nienburg (Weser), Germany




August 1979 – June 1992

School education, finished with German Abitur (general qualification for university entrance, similar to A- level or high school graduation)

October 1992 - January 1998

Study of Psychology at the University of Bremen, Diploma in Clinical Psychology (1.3)

October 2003 – October 2010

Psychoanalytic Training (DGPT) finished with approbation (1.3)

November 2007


Ph. D. in Psychology. Title of the work: Insight in Violence: The reflective functioning of adolescent violent offenders. (“Summa cum laude”)

Academic Career

September 1997 -July 2005

Trainer for School Mediation, Bremen, Germany

February 1998 – April 2004

Victim-Offender-Mediation in a leading position, Bremen, Germany

August 2002 – January 2006


January 2007 – July 2008


August 2008 – now


October 2010 - now


Research Assistant at the University of Bremen, chair Prof. Dr. Ellen Reinke

Research Assistant at the University of Ulm, chair Prof. Horst Kächele

Research Assistant at the University of Kassel, chair Prof. Dr. Heidi Möller

Junior-Professor at the International Psychoanalytic University Berlin, chair for developmental psychology

Additional Qualifications

Sept. 2005


July 2009


April 2010

Reliability for coding „Reflective Functioning“ from the Anna-Freud-Center, London

Training to train „Reflective Functioning“ at Anna-Freud-Center, London, England

Reliability for coding the Adult-Attachment-Projective Picture Systems from Prof. Dr. Carol George, Berkeley, USA

Research Training

August 2008




July 2009


August 2010

“Research Training Program” of the International Psychoanalytic Association, London

Fellowship at the Hanse-Institute of Advanced Study, Delmenhorst, Germany

Visiting lecturer in Denver, USA, Prof. Dr. Jonathan Shedler

Research Training Program of the German Psychoanalytic Society (DPG), Potsdam, Germany

August - September 2011

Guest scientist at the Anna-Freud-Center, London, Prof. Mary Target