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Office basics course: Microsoft Word and PowerPoint

Contents include:


Both programs:

  • Introduction to the program structures and work interfaces



  • Basics of formatting, style sheets
  • Outline, sections, displays
  • Tables of contents, figures and tables
  • Headers and footers, individual page numbering for individual sections
  • Footnotes
  • Integrating graphics

The individual topics are developed and edited using a fictitious Word document for a student research project, project report, thesis or similar. Finally, you have created your own template for such a document with several levels and directories.



  • Audience-oriented presentations, creating a "storyboard"
  • Slide layout, font size, colors/color families, effect of colors, grid, visual language, text & effect, "dos and don'ts"
  • Using ready-made designs, creating and using slide masters
  • Use of SmartArts

In addition to the creation of a PowerPoint presentation, tips and tricks for good presentations will also be given.


No basic knowledge of Microsoft Word or PowerPoint is required.


The exercises will be held in Word or Power-Point 2019 upwards or the corresponding current Office 365 version. Explanations for earlier versions can be given on a case-by-case basis. Open Office, light or online versions of the software cannot be used in this course. In the event that you use the programs with a different language setting, we recommend that you install the German language pack before the course.


Office 365 (incl. Microsoft Word and PowerPoint) is available free of charge via the ITS website( Please allow some time for this to be activated by the ITS.


Attention: If you reinstall the program, please remember that the updates may be initialized at the next restart.
The use of a computer mouse and a second screen is recommended so that you can follow the tutorials in parallel.

The course will be held with the "Panopto" program licensed by the University of Kassel. Participating students do not need to download this software, but will receive a link to a video playlist via Moodle. The videos contain individual learning units that can be viewed in the internet browser. The videos contain exercises to be completed during the course. There are videos of sample solutions to the exercises for checking purposes.

The videos are activated for all registered students and can be worked on over several days if required. If you have any questions, the lecturer will help you on three dates via support chats and Zoom.


Registration in the Moodle course is mandatory, as this is where the video playlist, further information and announcements are sent to participants and the submission of credits is organized.

The link for the Moodle course will be sent to you after registration.

The videos will be activated on November 18 (10:00 a.m.) until November 30, 2024 (6:00 p.m.).

The lecturer will answer your questions in the support chats and Zoom on the following days at the times indicated:

November 18: 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

November 23: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

November 25: 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.



For the certificate of attendance:

  • Processed files for the certificate of attendance by November 30, 6:00 p.m.


For the 1 credit additive key competence:

  • Processed files for the certificate of attendance by November 30, 6:00 p.m.
  • Processed files for the certificate of achievement by December 28, 6:00 p.m.


Dipl. Biol. Nicole Burghardt


Here is the link to the registration

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