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The job market for humanities graduates

The question of what to do after graduation is a concern for many students of the humanities. Linguistic, literary and cultural studies courses such as German, English, Romance studies or philosophy do not prepare you for a specific career per se. If you are not aiming for a career in teaching and research in the respective subject, you are faced with a variety of options on the job market - from professions related to the subject to professions outside the subject. A lateral entry is not uncommon. This can be seen as an opportunity, but it also unsettles many students when it comes to career orientation. It is particularly difficult that only a few job advertisements explicitly look for humanities graduates. In most cases, it is not so much the specialist knowledge that is a prerequisite for the job, but rather the university degree as such and the skills and experience that you can demonstrate.

In this event, you will find out what the current job market looks like and what opportunities are available to humanities graduates. You will also receive tips on how to find out about your individual career opportunities.

Speaker: Dr. Dirk Wieland, Federal Employment Agency

The event will take place in person at 14:15 at Campus Holländischer Platz, Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5, Room 0019 and is expected to last 90 minutes.

Here is the link to register.

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