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Publications of the department as of 2013
Books / Volumes / Issues
Härtl, Holden and Zaychenko, Katharina. Grammatical Categories in Linguistics and Education, De Gruyter Mouton, 2025
- Härtl, Holden & Marcel Schlechtweg (2023, eds.) Expressions of Quotation: Explorations on the Boundary between Use and Mention. Special issue of Linguistics, Linguistics 61.2.
- Härtl, Holden (2013, ed.)Interfaces of Morphology- A Festschrift for Susan Olsen (= studia grammatica 74), Berlin: Akademie.
- Härtl, Holden (2008)Implicit information. Linguistic economy and interpretative complexity in verbs (= studia grammatica 68), Berlin: Akademie.
- Härtl, Holden & Heike Tappe (2003, eds.)Mediating between Concepts and Grammar(= Trends in Linguistics 152), Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Härtl, Holden (2001)CAUSE and CHANGE. Thematic relations and event structures in conceptualization and grammaticalization(= studia grammatica 50), Berlin: Akademie.
- Härtl, Holden & Jana-Maria Thimm (2024) Modal particles in ironic utterances: A common-ground approach to pretended surprise in verbal irony. Pragmatics 34.3, 347-366.
- Glim, Sarah, Anita Körner, Holden Härtl & Ralf Rummer (2023) Early ERP indices of gender-biased processing elicited by generic masculine role nouns and the feminine-masculine pair form. Brain and Language, 242.
- Härtl, Holden & Marcel Schlechtweg (2023) Phrases inside words. To appear in: Peter Ackema, Sabrina Bendjaballah, Eulalia Bonet & Antonio Fabregas (eds.) Wiley Blackwell Companion to Morphology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell.
- Schlechtweg, Marcel, Philippe De Brabanter & Holden Härtl (2023) The acoustic profile of English metalinguistic quotation. To appear in: Schlechtweg, Marcel (ed.) Interfaces of Phonetics (Phonology and Phonetics series). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
- Härtl, Holden & Marcel Schlechtweg (2023, eds.) Expressions of Quotation: Explorations on the Boundary between Use and Mention. Special issue of Linguistics, Linguistics 61.2.
- Härtl, Holden & Marcel Schlechtweg (2023) Quotation as an interface phenomenon. Linguistics, 61.2, 275-284
- Schlechtweg, Marcel & Holden Härtl (2023) Quotation marks and the processing of irony in English: Evidence from a reading time study. Linguistics, 61.2, 355-390.
- Cortés Rodríguez, Álvaro, Holden Härtl, Natascha Raue & Kristina Weissbecker (2022)'This text is called (an) article' - Referring nouns in name-informing quotation. Linguistic Research 39.2, 327-354.
- Wegner, Dennis, Marcel Schlechtweg & Holden Härtl (2022) Optionality and the recovery of temporal information in German verb clusters. Linguistische Berichte, 270, 113-170.
- Härtl, Holden (2022) Syntax of English. In: Ralf Klabunde, Wiltrud Mihatsch & Stefanie Dipper (eds.)Linguistics in language comparison. German Studies - Romance Studies - English Studies. Berlin: Springer, 155-187.
- Härtl, Holden & Tatjana Bürger (2021)'Well, that's just great!' - An empirically based analysis of non-literal and attitudinal content of ironic utterances. Folia Linguistica, 55.2, 361-387.
- Schlechtweg, Marcel & Holden Härtl (2020) Do we pronounce quotation? An analysis of name-informing and non-name-informing contexts. Language and Speech 63.4, 769-798.[Pre-final draft]
- Härtl, Holden (2020) Referring nouns in name-informing quotation: A copula-based approach. In: Michael Franke, Nikola Kompa, Mingya Liu, Jutta L. Mueller & Juliane Schwab (eds.) Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 24 - Vol. 1. U Osnabrück / HU Berlin, 291-304.
- Georgakopoulos, Thanasis & Holden Härtl (2020) Goal prevalence and situation types: An empirical analysis of differences in Greek and German motion event descriptions. In: Michalis Georgiafentis, Giannoula Giannoulopoulou, Maria Koliopoulou & Angeliki Tsokoglou (eds.) Theoretical Approaches to Contrastive Linguistics. Morphological and Syntactic Perspectives (= Bloomsbury Studies in Theoretical Linguistics). London / New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 262-280.
- Härtl, Holden & Heiko Seeliger (2019) Is a so-called "beach" a beach? An empirically based analysis of secondary content induced by ironic name use. In: Daniel Gutzmann & Katharina Turgay (eds.)Secondary Content - The Semantics and Pragmatics of Side Issues(= Current Research in the Semantics / Pragmatics Interface series 37). Leiden: Brill, 200-221.
- Georgakopoulos, Thanasis, Holden Härtl & Athina Sioupi (2019) Goal realization: An empirically based comparison between English, German, and Greek. Languages in Contrast 19.2, 280-309.
- Kotowski, Sven & Holden Härtl (2019) How real are adjective order constraints? Multiple prenominal adjectives at the grammatical interfaces. Linguistics 57.2, 395-427.
- Härtl, Holden (2018) Name-informing and distancing 'sogenannt' ('so-called'): Name mentioning and the lexicon-pragmatics interface. Journal of Linguistics 37-2, 139-169[prefinal draft].
- Härtl, Holden (2016) Normality at the boundary between word-formation and syntax. Linguistische BerichteSpecial Issues 22 ( Ed. by Franz d' Avis and Horst Lohnstein), 71-98.
- Schlechtweg, Marcel & Holden Härtl (2016) Memorization and the morphology-syntax divide: A cross-linguistic investigation. SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics 13-1, 46-68.
- Härtl, Holden (2015) Article 49: Argument structural restrictions on word-formation patterns. In: Peter O. Müller, Ingeborg Ohnheiser, Susan Olsen & Franz Rainer (eds.) HSK Word-Formation: An International Handbook of the Languages of Europe, Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 876-894.
- Härtl, Holden (2015) Situational arguments of non-heads: verb-noun composites in the interplay of morphology, syntax and pragmatics. In: Christian Fortmann, Anja Lübbe & Irene Rapp (eds.) Situationsargumente im Nominalbereich. Linguistische Arbeiten 562. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter, 159-184.
- Härtl, Holden (2015) Semantic non-transparency in the mental lexicon: On the relation between word-formation and naming. In: Claudia Brinker-von der Heyde, Nina Kalwa, Nina-Maria Klug & Paul Reszke (eds.) Eigentlichkeit - Zum Verhältnis von Sprache, Sprechern und Welt. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter, 395-416.
- Kotowski, Sven, Katja Böer & Holden Härtl (2014) Compounds vs. phrases: The cognitive status of morphological products. In: Franz Rainer, Wolfgang U. Dressler, Francesco Gardani & Hans-Christian Luschützky (eds.)Morphology and Meaning.Selected Papers from the 15th International Morphology Meeting (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory). Amsterdam: Benjamins, 191-204.
- Bepperling, Svenja & Holden Härtl (2013) Event conceptualization in second language acquisition - Thinking for Speaking in a comparison of native speakers and learners. Journal of Semiotics 35 (1-2), 159-191.
- Härtl, Holden (2013) Generic rescue: argument alternations and the monotonicity condition. In: Patrick Brandt & Eric Fuß (eds.) Repairs - The Added Value of Being Wrong ( = Interface Explorations 27), Berlin/New York: de Gruyter, 95-130.
- Härtl, Holden (2013) Arguments of non-heads. in: Holden Härtl (ed.)Interfaces of Morphology (= studia grammatica 74), Berlin: Akademie, 163-177.