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Term papers

All assignments must be submitted digitally to the responsible lecturer by the end of the semester.
Deadlines for the respective semester:
Summer semester: March 31
Winter semester: September 30

Internal registration for the state examination: Oral and written examinations

Note on the state examination

Students who wish to take the state examination must register via Moodle. After completing the form, the examiners are allocated centrally and in good time by the department.

You will receive confirmation of allocation by email directly from the respective examiner.

Please note that the Moodle form is for internal planning and examiner allocation purposes only and does not replace official registration with the HLKA.

Note on the state examination: Further information

Dear students,

Please note that e-mails regarding course absences should not be sent to Prof. Dr. Angelovska in order to avoid a flood of e-mails. In addition, attendance is not compulsory, which is why such information is not necessary.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

The Office of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning Research: Didactics of the English Language

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