International students

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International Students - Language practice courses

International students (including Erasmus students) can take Sprachpraxis (language) courses in the Institute for English and American Studies if they are registered in Fachbereich 02 and:

  • are studying English as their main degree program.


  • are registered as "Germanistik Austausch" or "Fremdsprachen" and come from universities in Italy, France, or Spain.

International students can only take English 2 courses. They are not eligible for English 1 or English 3 courses.


In order to register for English 2 courses via eCampus, exchange/ERASMUS students should wait until the second round of registration begins at 8am on April 7, 2025.


The flyer below contains more details, including information about who to contact in the event of difficulties with registration.

Flyer for exchange/ERASMUS students

For support during your stay in Kassel or general information check out the following links: