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Term papers

All assignments must be submitted digitally to the responsible lecturer by the end of the semester.
Deadlines for the respective semester:
Summer semester: March 31
Winter semester: September 30

Internal registration for the state examination: Oral and written examinations

Dear students,

In order to ensure efficient processing of your requests, we kindly ask you to send your questions and requests that require clarification by e-mail directly to our secretary's office. This applies in particular to matters relating to your studies, your exams and organizational issues.

Please note that e-mails regarding course absences should not be sent to Prof. Dr. Angelovska in order to avoid a flood of e-mails. In addition, attendance is not compulsory, which is why such information is not necessary.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

The secretariat "Foreign Language Teaching and Learning Research: Didactics of the English Language" 

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