Curriculum Vitae

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  • 06/2012-01/2013: Co-coordinator of the international congress "Fairy Tales, Myths and Modernity - 200 Years of Children's and Household Tales by the Brothers Grimm"; financial coordination of the congress, including reporting
  • since 06/2012: Research assistant at the Institute of German Studies/Work and Impact of the Brothers Grimm
  • 03/2011-05/2012: Coordinator of the DFG project to research the Princely Waldeck Court Library in Arolsen (Head: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Wolf (Marburg), Prof. Dr. Claudia Brinker-von der Heyde (Kassel)) -
  • 10/2010-02/2011: Research assistant and research student in the DFG Research Training Group 1599 "Dynamics of Space and Gender" (Head: Prof. Dr. Renate Dürr, Prof. Dr. Rebekka Habermas)
  • 10/2010-02/2011: Tutor within the tutored scholarship program of the DAAD at the Institute of German Studies at the University of Kassel
  • 2007-2010: Tutor at the Institute for German Studies at the University of Kassel (Older German Literature/Medieval Studies)
  • 10/2010: First state examination for the teaching profession at grammar schools
  • 2004-2010: Studied to become a grammar school teacher with the subjects German Studies and Music