Curriculum Vitae

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  • since 11/2018 Scientific editor of the project "The correspondence of the Brothers Grimm with their older relatives (1789-1815). Completion of the annotated edition of the letters from the early family circle of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm", funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation

  • 2017-2018 Freelance research assistant in the archive of the Hessian State Welfare Association (project "Admission records of the Hessian High Hospitals")

  • 2016-2017 Research assistant at the research area "Work and Impact of the Brothers Grimm" at the University of Kassel
  • 2013-2016 Freelance research assistant for projects and exhibitions at the German Historical Institute London (DFG project "Pauper Letters and Petitions for Poor Relief in Germany and Great Britain, 1770-1914"), the University of Kassel (correspondence with Rudolf Erich Raspe), the Musée d'Orsay, Paris (exhibition "Charles Gleyre. Le romantique repenti"), the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the University of Kassel (Grimm correspondence)

  • 2009-2012 Research assistant at the University of Kassel (initiator and editor of the DFG project on the historical visitors' book of the Museum Fridericianum)

  • 1996-2009: Freelance academic and journalistic work (exhibitions and publications on the art and cultural history of the 18th-20th centuries)

  • 1994-1996 Freelance research assistant at the Museum Wiesbaden

  • 1992-1995 Research assistant at the Museum for Sepulchral Culture Kassel

  • 1991-1992 Freelance research assistant at the Staatliche Museen Kassel, the Stadtmuseum and the Kulturamt der Stadt Kassel

  • 1988-1990 Scientific trainee at the State Museums of Kassel

  • 1988 University of Tübingen, doctorate (Dr. phil.)

  • 1985-1987 Graduate scholarship from the Volkswagenwerk Foundation, study visits to London, Munich and Basel

  • 1983 Master of Arts in Art History, Empirical Cultural Studies and Education at the University of Tübingen

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