Science Communication

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Analytical coffee chat

to the podcast

together with Rebecca Bachmann (philosophy): Science podcast Analytical Coffee Chat 

(on Spotify or on Youtube)

  • Participation in the panel discussion "Green Utopias or End of the World - What is the effect of climate future images in art and science?", organized by Uni Kassel Transfer in cooperation with Staatstheater Kassel (October 24, 2022).
  • as part of Climate Thinking: lecture "Sustainable Thinking - Thinking Sustainable: Stories of the Past, Thoughts about the Present, Languages for the Future" at the opening of the Kassel Institute for Sustainability (September 14, 2022)
  • Introductory lecture on documenta fifteen for a tour group of the LKB Hessen (September 19, 2022)
  • Participation in the "Kitchen Talks" on the topic of sustainability, organized by RAAMWERK as part of the exhibition "Knowledge Memory - 100 Ideas for Tomorrow's World" in Kassel (August 16, 2022)
  • Introductory lecture to documenta fifteen for the FKB Group Bavaria (August 09, 2022)
  • Introductory lecture to documenta fifteen for the FSJ group of the Cultural Office Rhineland-Palatinate (July 11, 2022)

  • Introductory lecture on documenta fifteen for the FSJ group of the LKB Hessen (June 27, 2022)

  • with Tamara Bodden, Philippe-André Lorenz, Jan Sinning and others: Lecture series "Climate Thinking" - Climate Change from a Humanities and Cultural Studies Perspective (WiSe 2021/22)

  • together with Tamara Bodden (Kassel), October 1, 2021: Workshop "Knowledge domain art: language and trust in the art business using the example of public communication in the financial scandals of documenta 5 and 14." In the context of the conference of the Research Network Language and Knowledge at Heidelberg University.
  • Workshop "Knowledge domain art: through which communicative patterns is art perceived as art?" In the context of the conference of the research network Language and Knowledge at Heidelberg University (October 2019).
  • Since SoSe 20: Teaching focus Climate Thinking, together with Martin Böhnert, Murat Sezi and Felix Böhm.
  • Workshop Knowledge Domain Art: Linguistic Patterns of Art Value Foundation. In the context of the conference of the Research Network Language and Knowledge "Nature - Culture - Man. Linguistic practices around ecological sustainability", Internationales Wissenschaftszentrum Heidelberg, 02 September 2019.

  • April 12, 2019: Workshop "Linguistic-communicative practices around art institutions. Multimodal and -medial perspectives on public communication" at JLU Gießen, together with Tanja Škerlavaj.

  • Project coordination for the creation of the website "Reden über Kunst - (Korpus-)Linguistische Analysen zur documenta".

  • 04 August 2017: workshop in cooperation with the Wüstenrot Foundation for young people in the FSJ Kultur: "documenta stadt kassel" at the University of Kassel, together with Michael Flörchinger.

  • WiSe 2017/18: Organization of the event series Gender & Genre 3, together with Urania Milevski and Felix Woitkowski.

  • WiSe 2015/16: Organization of the event series Gender & Genre 2, together with Urania Milevski and Felix Woitkowski
  • WiSe 2014/15: Organization of the event series Gender & Genre, together with Urania Milevski and Felix Woitkowski
  • Winter term 2013/14: Co-organization of the lecture series GeKKo macht Schule as part of the doctoral program GeKKo
  • Winter semester 2012/13: Co-organization of the lecture series SprachGefühl as part of the doctoral program GeKKo
  • 23/24 April 2010: Organization of the Interdisciplinary Student Symposium "Forms of Knowledge", cooperation of the Universities of Kassel and Heidelberg, together with Alexandra Nuñez