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on the homepage of the Department of Modern German Literature/Literary Didactics at the Institute of German Studies at the University of Kassel.

Subject area "Modern German Literary Studies/Didactics of Literature

The department sees itself as an interdisciplinary field of research at the interface of discourses in the subject sciences and subject didactics. It thus reaches beyond the boundaries of German studies and seeks synergy effects achieved by reflecting on literary-aesthetic forms against the background of discourses in media studies, philosophy, and political science. The spectrum of media considered ranges from the 18th century to the present and includes classical literary works as well as pop cultural forms and digital formats. 


Current foci in research and teaching:

  • Ethical and aesthetic (media) education.
  • Aesthetic understanding and non-understanding
  • Literary discourses on Europe and European education
  • Political literature
  • Radio plays and audio books
  • Children's and youth literature
  • Intercultural literary studies and didactics of literature
  • Media (compound) didactics
  • Political theater in the teaching of German
Image: Paavo Blåfield

Subject area management

Prof. Dr. Jennifer Pavlik
Kurt-Wolters-Straße 5
Room 3026

Secretariat N.N.