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(1) Rap-turned-philosophy. An attempt to slip out of the inauthentic shell, using the example of Pyranja's So Oda So (2004). In: Rap - Text - Analysis. German-language rap since 2000. 20 individual text analyses. Dagobert Höllein, Nils Lehnert, Felix Woitkowski (eds.). Bielefeld: transcript, 2020, pp.227-238.

(2) Sebastian Franck and Lutheran Orthodoxy. In: Censorship from the 16th to the 18th century: Concepts, Discourses, Practices. Florian Gassner, Nikola Roßbach (eds.). Bern: Peter Lang, 2020, pp. 109-136.


(1) 'sie hât ir willen alsô vil, daz sie sprichet, swaz sie will'. Female materiality in Türlin's Crône: Alone on a rock. Paper presented at the7th Annual German Graduate Student Conference "Bodies of Work: Space, Gender, and Materiality in German Studies" at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee (USA), March 15-16, 2019.

(2) Chronica, Zeÿtbůch vnd geschÿchtbibel (1531/36) by Sebastian Franck. Paper presented at the conference of the Humanities and Cultural Studies Doctoral College of the University of Kassel in Hofgeismar, April 26/27, 2019.

(3) Hopers vs. Toxxers - Hopepunk as a new form of dystopia. Lecture with Jan Sinning at the digital lecture series "Climate Thinking" of the Humanities and Cultural Studies Doctoral College (GeKKo) at the University of Kassel, May 26, 2021. 

(4) frembde that und red/ auß frembden buech=eren - Kompilation wider Verfolgung. Sebastian Franck and the question of hidden meaning. Paper presented at the digital text conference at the University of Wuppertal, hosted by the DFG Research Training Group Document - Text - Edition, September 29-30, 2021.


(1) Participation in the workshop "The Scientific Lecture" by Dr. Harald Völker (University of Zurich), Nov. 23-24, 2018.

(2) Participation in the research colloquium "Literarisches Schaffen unter Verfolgung, in Haft und im Exil" (IfG, University of Kassel) with subsequent workshop "Literarische Reaktion auf die Verfolgung und das Exil," Gedenkstätte Breitenau-Guxhagen, July 06, 2019.