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Past Courses:
WiSe 2019/2020
- German Literary History in Excerpts. The 19th and 20th century (Proseminar)
Summer semester 2019
- Felicitas Hoppe. Selected novels and stories (proseminar)
WiSe 2018/2019
- Film Genres. Historical trajectories and current trends (proseminar).
SunSem 2018
- Literature of the Vormärz (proseminar)
WiSe 2017/2018
- Drama after 1945 (Proseminar)
- Intercultural literature (science) (advanced seminar)
Summer semester 2017
- KINO - Wandel einer Institution (Proseminar mit Tutorium)
WiSe 2016/2017
- Introduction to film analysis (proseminar with tutorial).
- The auteur film. History - Theory - Actors (Proseminar with tutorial).
SoSe 2016
- Introduction to Film Analysis (proseminar with tutorial).
- No Future? The Future in Literature and Film (proseminar).
WiSe 2015/2016
- Introduction to (German) Film History (proseminar).
- Film and Writers' Biographies. The Biopic as Opportunity and Problem Case (compact seminar).
- Poeta Pictor - Pictor Poeta? Writerly double talents of the 20th and 21st century (proseminar).
SoSe 2015
- Introduction to Film Analysis (proseminar).
- "Suicide, Writer, Nobel Prize Winner, Substitute God" - Hermann Hesse: Television Portraits (proseminar)