First state examination for the teaching profession at elementary schools (L1)

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All parts of the examination must be discussed in person with the university lecturer. Prior attendance of courses of the university lecturer with whom you wish to take your examination is absolutely advisable. Approximately one semester prior to the semester of examination, you should begin the process of selecting the university instructor with whom to take your examination. As an examinee, you must be accepted by the university instructor. University instructors who are eligible to examine you can be found here.

If you want to write an exam paper or a written exam in German, you should arrange the topic (exam paper) or the subject area (written exam) well in advance. Usually, the preparation of an exposé is required for the exam paper.

The oral examination topics should also be agreed upon in good time. First ideas at the time of registration, concrete preparations after writing the exam paper.

The exam paper can be written as a theoretical or empirical paper. The instructions for written papers, as they apply to examinations during the course of study, are to be observed.

The topic is to be discussed with the university lecturer in good time. The preparation of an exposé is useful for further consultation in most cases.

All requirements for the preparation and supervision of the writing process must be coordinated with the respective university lecturer. The submission and evaluation of the exam paper is done by the state school office.

This page provides you with current information and tips from the Kassel Examination Office. Here you will find all information About:  Exams

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If you want to write a written exam in the subject German as an exam performance, an oral exam in the subject German is no longer necessary.

The klausur, or the subject area should be discussed with the university lecturer in good time. The specific topic cannot be agreed upon, but is determined by the state education authority according to the university lecturer's specifications.

The Kassel Examination Office of the State Education Authority will be happy to answer any questions at .

Oral examinations in the state examination for the subject German have a scientific and a didactical part. Two examiners are therefore required university lecturersYou should contact them in good time in order to register with them personally. Of course, this registration does not replace the registration for the exam at the Landesschulamt.

If the subject-specific part is examined by the linguistics department, the oral examination in the subject-specific didactics part must take place in the didactics of literature department. If the subject-specific part is examined by Literary Studies, the oral examination in the subject-specific didactic part must be taken in Language Didactics.