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I Monographs

  • Romans, David & Martin Wengeler (in prep.): Language, Politics, Public Sphere. An introduction to the history of public-political language use in the Federal Republic of Germany. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter (Germanistische Arbeitshefte).
  • Römer, David (2017): Economic crises. A linguistic discourse history. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter.

    • Niehr, Thomas (2019): In: Journal of Discourse Research 2, pp. 215-219.
    • Klein, Josef (2021): In: Journal of Applied Linguistics 74, pp. 159-164.

II Editorial activities

  • Römer, David & Martin Wengeler (ed.) (2021): Wahlkampfsprache 2021. special issue of the journal Aptum. Journal for Language Criticism and Language Culture 17, Issue 3/2021[Open Access].
  • Stumpf, Sören & David Römer (ed.) (2020): Conspiracy theories in discourse. Interdisciplinary approaches. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa (Supplements to the Journal for Discourse Research 4).
  • Römer, David & Constanze Spieß (2019): Populism and sayability in public-political discourses. Thematic issue of the Osnabrücker Beiträge zur Sprachtheorie (OBST), issue 95/2019[Open Access].
  • Kreuz, Christian, Ruth Mell & David Römer: Current trends in interdisciplinary discourse research. Special issue of the open access publication series Diskurse - digital, issue 3/2019[Open Access].
  • Römer, David & Sören Stumpf (2018): Conspiracy theories - linguistic perspectives. Theme issue of the journal Aptum. Journal for Language Criticism and Language Culture 14, issue 3/2018.

III Articles in handbooks, anthologies and journals

  • Stumpf, Sören & David Römer (2024): Exploring conspiracy theories linguistically. In: Roland Imhoff (ed.):  The psychology of conspiracy theories. Strangely lied to by dark forces.... Göttingen: Hogrefe. S.198-216.
  • Römer, David (2023): Zeitenwende - friedens- und kriegsrhetorische Fragmente. In: War in the Ukraine. Essayistic notes on the discourse. Theme issue of the journal Aptum. Zeitschrift für Sprachkritik und Sprachkultur 19, issues 2+3/2023. p. 293 - 299.
  • Römer, David & Martin Wengeler (2022): Back to the roots! A defense of traditional topic-based discourse linguistics. In: Zeitschrift für Diskursforschung (ZfD) 10, issue 02, pp. 426-436.
  • Römer, David (2022): Language in conspiracy theories. Konturen eines Forschungsvorhabens In: Muttersprache 132, Heft 4/2022, p. 299-313.[Open Access].
  • Römer, David & Sören Stumpf (2022): Conspiracy theories - and how they are made linguistically credible. In: Klaus Müller & Christopher Kirchberg (ed.): Verschwörungstheorien. A publication by Gegen Vergessen - Für Demokratie e.V., pp. 60-89[Open Access].
  • Römer, David (2021): Conspiracy theories as argumentative narratives. In: Journal for Literary Studies and Linguistics 51, issue 2/2021, pp. 1-18[Open Access].
  • Römer, David & Sören Stumpf (2020): Linguistic devices in conspiracy theories. The example of "Gates hijacks Germany". In: Der Sprachdienst 64, issue 6/2020, pp. 249-259.
  • Römer, David & Sören Stumpf (2020): "Yes we Ken" - Corona conspiracy theories under a mainstream linguistic magnifying glass. In: Aptum. Journal for Language Criticism and Language Culture 16, issues 02 and 03/2020, pp. 102-109[Open Access].
  • Römer, David & Sören Stumpf (2020): Editorial. Conspiracy theories in discourse from an interdisciplinary perspective. In: Sören Stumpf & David Römer (ed.): Verschwörungstheorien im Diskurs. Interdisciplinary approaches. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa (Supplements to the Journal for Discourse Research 4), pp. 3-8.
  • Römer, David (2020): Crisis discourse. In: Thomas Niehr, Jörg Kilian & Jürgen Schiewe (eds.): Handbuch Sprachkritik. Stuttgart: Metzler, pp. 233-240.
  • Kreuz, Christian, Ruth Mell & David Römer (2019): Introduction. In: Christian Kreuz, Ruth Mell & David Römer (eds.): Current trends in interdisciplinary discourse research. Special issue of the open access publication series Diskurse - digital, issue 3/2019, pp. 1-6[Open Access].
  • Römer, David (2019): Discourse Critique of Mass Media Mediated Political Communication. In: Aptum. Zeitschrift für Sprachkritik und Sprachkultur 15, issue 2/2019, pp. 184-192.
  • Römer, David & Constanze Spieß (2019): Populist language use as a phenomenon of political communication. In: Osnabrücker Beiträge zur Sprachtheorie (OBST), issue 95/2019, pp. 7-19[Open Access].
  • Römer, David & Sören Stumpf (2019): "The Great Exchange is not a myth, it is bitter reality." Populism and conspiracy theories from a linguistic perspective. In: Osnabrücker Beiträge zur Sprachtheorie (OBST), issue 95/2019, pp. 129-158[Open Access].
  • Römer, David (2018): Argumentation topoi in text and discourse analysis - old paths, new ways. In: tekst i dyskurs - Text and Discourse, issue 11/2018, pp. 117-135[Open Access].
  • Römer, David (2018): Discourse phrasemes - modeling and example. In: Sören Stumpf & Natalia Filatkina (ed.): Formulaic language in text and discourse. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter, pp. 147-160.
  • Römer, David & Sören Stumpf (2018): Conspiracy theories - linguistic perspectives. In: Aptum. Zeitschrift für Sprachkritik und Sprachkultur 14, issue 3/2018, pp. 193-195.
  • Breil, Laura, David Römer & Sören Stumpf (2018): "The global weather project chemtrails is, and there can be little doubt about this, a multi-billion dollar enterprise". Patterns of argumentation within the chemtrail conspiracy theory. In: Aptum. Zeitschrift für Sprachkritik und Sprachkultur 14, issue 3/2018, pp. 239-258.
  • Stumpf, Sören & David Römer (2018): Linguistic construction of conspiracy theories. A project outline. In: Mother tongue 128, issue 4/2018, pp. 394-402.
  • Römer, David (2018): "Now I stand here before you: a man from Würselen" - The election campaign language of the SPD. In: Aptum. Zeitschrift für Sprachkritik und Sprachkultur 14, issue 01, pp. 4-15.
  • Römer, David (2017): Standards, yes please! Discourse criticism using the example of the linguistic construction of socio-political and economic "crises". In: Aptum. Zeitschrift für Sprachkritik und Sprachkultur 13, issue 01, pp. 68-96.
  • Kalwa, Nina & David Römer (2016): Emotion, linguistic action and mentality. In: Christian Kreuz & Robert Mroczynski (ed.): Sprache, Kultur, Mentalität. Berlin et al: LIT, PP. 67-83.
  • Kreuz, Christian & David Römer (2015): Cultural artifacts as an object of discourse research. In: Heidrun Kämper & Ingo Warnke (ed.): Diskurs - interdisziplinär. Approaches, objects, perspectives. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter, pp. 229-244.
  • Kalwa, Nina & David Römer (2014): The constitution of scientific cultures and the question of social resilience. In: Ekkehard Felder & Marcus Müller (ed.): Discourse Futures. 10th Annual Conference of the Research Network "Language and Research". Anniversary and program journal. Heidelberg, pp. 44-46.
  • Römer, David & Martin Wengeler (2013): "Globalization is an economic phenomenon with political consequences". Linguistic discourse analysis using the example of the linguistic construction of the "labor market crisis" in 1997. In: Zeitschrift für Diskursforschung (ZfD) 1, Issue 02, pp. 137-158.
  • Römer, David & Martin Wengeler (2013): "Wirtschaftskrisen" begründen/mit "Wirtschaftskrisen" legitimize. A discourse-historical comparison. In: Martin Wengeler & Alexander Ziem (ed.): Linguistic constructions of "crises". Interdisciplinary perspectives on a continually topical phenomenon. Bremen: Hempen, pp. 269-288.
  • Ziem, Alexander, Ronny Scholz & David Römer (2013): Corpus-based approaches to public language use: specific vocabulary, semantic constructions, syntactic patterns in discourses on "crises". In: Ekkehard Felder (ed.): Fact production in discourses. The power of the declarative. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter, pp. 219-321.
  • Römer, David (2012): "Policy failure!" - Relational topos analysis: Reflections on a method of linguistic interpretation and its linguistic-critical applicability using the example of a discourse excerpt on "crises". In: Aptum. Zeitschrift für Sprachkritik und Sprachkultur 8, issue 03, pp. 193-216.
  • Kuck, Kristin & David Römer (2012): Metaphors and argumentation patterns in the media discourse on the 'financial crisis'. In: Anja Peltzer, Kathrin Lämmle & Andreas Wagenknecht (eds.): Crisis, Cash and Communication. The financial crisis in the media. Constance: UVK, pp. 71-95.

IV Articles in reference works

  • Römer, David & Martin Wengeler (2024): Gendern: Why gendering? In: Palm, Dirk (ed.): Brockhaus. Enzyklopädie Jahrbuch 2023. Berlin: Palmedia Lexikalischer Verlag. S. 170-174.
  • Römer, David (2022): Dictionary articles on the lemmas: Allgemeiner Deutscher Sprachverein, Kulturnation, Sprachlenkung, neologism, historical pragmatics, cultural morphology, buzzword, propaganda word, Teutonism, taboo word, high-value word. In: Habermann, Mechthild & Ilse Wischer (ed.): Wörterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (WSK) "Historische Sprachwissenschaft". Berlin/New York: de Gruyter. [WSK Online]
  • Römer, David (2022): Dictionary articles on the lemmas: mentality, history of mentality, linguistic hermeneutics, leading vocabulary, lexical field. In: Christina Gansel & Constanze Spieß (ed.): Wörterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (WSK) "Textlinguistik, Stilistik, Diskurslinguistik". Berlin/New York: de Gruyter. [WSK Online]
  • Römer, David (2015): Dictionary articles on the lemmas wuseln, Saustall, YOLO, schlottern, malochen, Gedöns, empörend, Tollpatsch, Ferien, Ratzefummel, Brandung. In: Bär, Jochen A. (ed.): Das Jahr der Wörter. 365 lexical highlights. Vechta: Edition Oldenburgische Volkszeitung.

V Reports, reviews, miscellaneous (in selection)

  • Girnth, Heiko &  Janett Haid, Lesley-Ann Kern, Stefan Meier, Sascha Michel, Hanna Poloschek, Christine Riess , David Römer, Constanze Spieß, Hanna Völker (2023): Sprachgebrauch im Landtagswahlkampf in Hessen - Wie Politiker*innen in Krisenzeiten um Zustimmung werben. In: Sprachspuren: Reports from the German Language Atlas 3(11). [Open Access]

  • Römer, David (2021): Review of Annamária Fábián & Igor Trost (ed.). 2018. language use in politics. Grammatical, Lexical, Pragmatic, Cultural and Dialectological Perspectives. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter. 366 S. In: Zeitschrift für Rezensionen zur germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft 13, Heft 1-2, pp. 68-75[Open Access].
  • Römer, David (2017): Review of Martin Siefkes & Doris Schöps (ed.). 2013. New methods of discourse analysis. Thematic issue of the Journal of Semiotics 35, issues 3-4. Tübingen: Stauffenburg. 332 S. In: Journal of Applied Linguistics, 67, issue 1, pp. 193-203.
  • Kuck, Kristin & David Römer (2012): Proceedings of the conference of the DFG project "Sprachliche Konstruktionen sozial- und wirtschaftspolitischer 'Krisen' in der BRD von 1973 bis heute". In: Journal for German Linguistics (ZGL ) 40, issue 3, pp. 471-480.
  • Römer, David (2016): Linguistic discourse history using the example of economic crises. In: Soziopolis - Observing Society. Hamburg.
  • Kreuz, Christina & David Römer (2013): Computer-aided work with corpora. A practice-oriented guide.

VI Press

  • "Relativizing expressions are meant to sow doubt"(Deutschlandfunk, 21.05.2020)
  • Right-wing populists like to break taboos(Süddeutsche Zeitung, 10.04.2019)
  • Of "puppeteers" and "alleged" facts. (Luxemburger Wort, feuilleton supplement "Die Warte," 06/21/2018)[page 1, page 2]
  • Bätschi is already quite good. On the election campaign language of the SPD(Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, 06/17/2018).
  • Linguists investigate conspiracy theories(Die Rheinpfalz, 05/16/2018).
  • Nothing is as it seems(Zeit Online, 04/25/2018).
  • How language makes conspiracy theories seem true. "Counter-truths" from a linguistic perspective(, 04/24/2018)
  • Conspiracy Theories on the Internet(Radio 100.7, 07.03.2018)