Curriculum Vitae

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  • since 04/2023 Research assistant to Prof. Dr. David Römer, Department of "Semantics and Lexicology of Modern High German"
  • since 12/2021 Coordinator of the Humanities and Cultural Studies Doctoral Program (GeKKo)
  • 04/2021-09/2023 Research assistant for Prof. Gardt with a doctoral project on"KunstSprech. Linguistic investigations into the accusation of the incomprehensibility of art texts"
  • 01/2021-03/2021 Research assistant with Prof. Gardt
  • 04/-09/2019 Teaching assignment "Meaning" at FB 02, Institute for German Studies, University of Kassel
  • 10/2018-03/2021 Tutor at FB 02, Institute for German Studies, University of Kassel
    • Introduction to German linguistics, Prof. Gardt
    • Introduction to German literature studies, Prof. Kreuzer
    • Introduction to film analysis, Prof. Kreuzer
  • 10/2018-12/2020 Master's program in German Studies, University of Kassel
    • Master's thesis on the accusation of the incomprehensibility of art texts
  • Since 2017 Collaboration on the project "Talking about art"
  • 09/2016-12/2020 student assistant with Prof. Gardt
  • 10/2015-09/2018: Bachelor's degree in German Studies and History, University of Kassel
    • Bachelor thesis on borders in the documenta discourse
