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Brothers Grimm Poetry Professorship

The German film and theater director Johannes Schmid (* 1973) will be honored as Grimm Professor of Poetics at the University of Kassel in 2024( As part of his guest professorship (inaugural lecture, poetics seminar, lecture with film viewing), he will give 'workshop' insights into his directorial work in Kassel at the beginning of June.

The events of the Grimm Poetry Professorship (see flyer and poster) will take place on the following dates:

Wed, June 5 2024 | Campus Center, Hörsaal III
6-8 p.m. | public Poetics lecture:
"Zwischen den Stühlen - zwischen den Welten: My directorial work between stage and film"

Thursday, June 6 2024 | KW5
10 am - 2 pm | Poetics seminar (for Kassel students with registration):
"From script to cinematic reality: pre-production, shooting, post-production in WIR FÜR IMMER (D 2024) and other films"

Thu June 6  2024 | BALi cinema (Kulturbahnhof)
5-8 pm | public Lecture with film viewing:
"Staging fiction in fiction in the literary adaptation AGNES (D 2016)"

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