
Research Projects

Peace and Conflict Culture Network

BMBF project: Feeling - Thinking - Speaking in elementary school (FDS-G)

ZFF University of Kassel: Knowledge through communication routines - cultural analyses using the example of documenta 15

Lower Saxony Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Göttingen: Goethe Dictionary

DFG project: Language in conspiracy theories

SNF research project: Contested Amnesia and Dissonant Narratives in the Global South: Post-conflict in Literature, Art, and Emergent Archives

JuNaKo (JUnction-NArration-KOrpus-linguistic)

Lower Saxony Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Göttingen: Word history digital

DFG project: Syntactic basic structures of Modern High German. On the grammatical foundation of a reference corpus of Modern High German (Univ. Kassel and Univ. Gießen)

More language(s) - more culture(s) in primary school lessons

Student Projects

Grammar to go - a podcast project