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The website "MA German Studies with a binational focus (Kassel - Szeged)" iwas created as part of a practical seminar for Master's students "Kassel-Szeged" at the Institute of German Studies at the University of Kassel. Seminar leader: Aleksandra Czajkowska

Participating students: Thomas Czirnich, Melanie Henkler, Kitti Kovács, Christin Krämer, Tanja Lau, Annika Leistner, Julia Pater, Gergely Polyák


Paavo Blafield, Aleksandra Czajkowska, Andreas Fischer, Fotolia - Ingo Bartussek, Fotolia - Creativemarc, Fotolia - Gerhard Fürsatz, Fotolia - Doris Heinrichs, Fotolia - Kzenon, Fotolia - maxoidos, Fotolia - r0b_, Ann-Kathrin Heimbuchner, Melanie Henkler, Nicole Kasper, Julia Pater, Harry Soremski

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