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Ara, Caput, Draco, Mons, Pons, Vulpecula Turris Weigeliana Domus. Excursion to Jena

On June 3, 2023, 22 students from the German studies seminar "Romanticism in Jena" (led by Nikola Roßbach) set off from Kassel to get to know the city of Romanticism. And it was not only early Romanticism that was conceived, fantasized and discussed here in the wild shared flat life, but also the beginning of German Classicism lies in Jena: Goethe and Schiller's wonderful friendship began during a walk across the market square.

The fact that the small Thuringian town is also associated with other big names, from the Reformation (Luther, Melanchthon) to high-tech modernity (founded by the trio of Schott, Zeiss and Abbe), became clear during a tour of the town. Zeiss is also the reason for Jena's other superlatives (Germany's first high-rise building, the world's first planetarium).

Our program for the day then included a look at the Seven Wonders of Jena: with the Latin slogan - "Ara, Caput, Draco, Mons, Pons, Vulpecula Turris Weigeliana Domus" - students from earlier times 'proved' that they had actually been to Jena.

This was followed by the Romantikerhaus and Schiller's garden house. We didn't write "Wallenstein" or compose ballads in the old arbour in the garden there .... but " satat the old stone table and exchanged many a good and great word" (Goethe 1827 to Eckermann).

A delicious meal at Grünowski with somewhat overworked waiters and a tower climb with a view over Jena for those of us with a head for heights rounded off the excursion.


Photos (C) Anastasia Daus