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Important for all written work (term papers, written assignments, theses):

Declaration of honor

I hereby certify that I have completed this thesis entitled

and that I have not used any sources and aids other than those indicated. Furthermore, I declare that I have marked all verbatim quotations with quotation marks and all paraphrases and translations as well as graphics, tables and figures from the sources and aids indicated. I am aware that a violation of this rule will be considered plagiarism. In this case, the work will be assessed as "insufficient" (cheating). In the event of a repeat offense, this may result in exclusion from further examinations - and thus from the degree program.

Kassel, ___________________(Datum)

Signature: ____________________

Important notes for term papers:

The declaration of honor should be handwritten if possible, do not forget to sign it.

Please add the following voluntary information to your work after the declaration on honor: I know GARP and have followed the guidelines: yes/no; I know the MLA database and have consulted it on my topic: yes/no

Only printed term papers will be accepted! And send a PDF of the paper to Fr. Rücker (ruecker[at]uni-kassel[dot]de) as soon as possible.

DELIVERY of the paper: in P.O. Box No. 064 / "Rücker" (Secretary's office of Literary Studies) in Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5 in room No. 4042 OR by mail to Fr. Rücker (Uni Kassel, IfAA, Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5, 34125 Kassel) OR drop the addressed letter in the mailbox of Mönchebergstr. 19.

RETURN: Pick up after notification from Ms. Rücker, or enclose a stamped addressed envelope for the corrected paper.


Oral examination

The Department of English and American Studies at the IfAA at the University of Kassel guarantees to take your oral examination in this subject area at any time.
However, for reasons of exam organization, we ask you to register in advance, stating two preferred examiners for the literary studies part of your exam.

Please use our pre-registration form (download see below) and send it completed to Ms. Rücker (by post or email) by the end of April or the end of October at the latest .
Please make sure that the information is complete, especially your contact details, so that we can inform you in good time about the decision for a literature examiner from whom you will receive the signature in the respective consultation hour.

ATTENTION: Deadlines for your examination documents:
1) no later than 3 months before the examination period: initial meeting in the examiner's office hours
2) 3 weeks before the examination at the latest: final version

Next examination colloquium for Literary Studies, 1st state examination in spring 2025: Invitation will be sent by email

As a mock examination candidate, please discuss the topics with the mock examiner in good time beforehand. "Listeners" are welcome.