Scientific Commitment
- from2024 Coordinator of the Research Training Group GeKKo
- 2023 Diversity Week 2023 at Faculty 02, University of Kassel
- 2023 Workshop leader in the project "EcoQuest: kann man mit Videospielen den Wald retten?" in cooperation with the documenta Institute and Natural History Museum Kassel
- 2022-2024 Women's and Equality Officer at the Research Training Group GeKKo
- 2022-2023 Lecture series Apathie und Apokalypse. Handlungs(un)fähigkeit im Angesicht des Klimawandels. University of Kassel (iAG Climate Thinking)
- 2022-2023 Digital lecture series Multiplayer Mentors. Science meets games, University Kassel
- 2022-2023 Scientific supervision of the student reading group Reading Against Discrimination (RAD) at the University of Kassel
- 2022 Organization of the workshop "Research Network Language and Art" July 14-16. University of Kassel (with Andreas Gardt, Paul Reszke, Christine Riess)
- 2022 Podcast „Vom Reden über Kunst“ (with Andreas Gardt, Christine Riess, Paul Reszke)
- since 2022 Co-editor of the "Computer Games" section on (project of the Department of Literary Studies & Literary Didactics at the University of Duisburg-Essen)
- 2021 Organization of the lecture series Climate Thinking. University of Kassel (with Philippe Lorenz, Paul Reszke, Jan Sinning)
- 2021 Organization of the digital conference Didactics - Games - Science. Sept 17-18 University of Kassel (with Marvin Madeheim, Annegret Montag)