Student Advisory Service
Academic advising Laura Antonia Brede
What do I have to consider when creating my schedule? What are the examination modalities in Protestant Theology? What do I have to consider when registering for exams? Where can I get help with organizing my studies? How do I succeed in correct scientific work? What do I have to consider when registering for the exam? ...
We are happy to answer these and similar questions!
Laura Antonia Brede lauraantonia[at]freenet[dot]de Appointments by appointment. All appointments take place at Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5, room 1005 (Fachschaftsraum)! In case of problems, questions etc. just contact us. |
TheoOrga team
Since WiSe 18/19, there is a TheoOrga team that supports students with words and deeds. They help with questions about studies or timetable and organize TheoParties and the O-Week.
You can contact them by mail: theoorga[at]uni-kassel[dot]de