Degree BA and MA
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Please check your examination regulations to see which admission requirements are necessary to register for the BA or MA thesis. To register, please collect a registration form from the Examinations Office in good time. This form is also available in the download area.
There are no deadlines for registering for the BA/MA thesis.
The topic of the thesis should be fixed at the time of registration. It will then be reviewed by the examination board. You will then receive a letter of admission stating the deadline. At least one professor must be among the supervisors.
Please check the subject on the letter of admission. If you notice any discrepancies, please inform the examination office immediately. It is not possible to change the topic at a later date.
If you are writing your thesis in the field of economics, please also contact the examinations office of FB 02. A colloquium takes place after the assessment of the final thesis in Economics and in the MA area.
Three bound copies of the thesis must be submitted to the Examinations Office by the deadline and saved on CD or USB.
As a rule, the assessment should be completed six weeks after submission. Once both assessments have been submitted, the certificate will be issued within four weeks at the latest. You will be informed by email as soon as it is ready.
for applications to other universities: The Examinations Office will certify your expected degree and provisional average grade.
- for applications to the University of Kassel: The Examinations Office will certify the status of your studies. In order to apply for the Master's program at the University of Kassel, you must provide proof of at least 144 out of 180 credits and a registration for the BA thesis by the application deadline at the latest.
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