Literaturwissenschaft Anglistik und Amerikanistik


Sekretariat Uta Rücker
Raum 4020
Telefon 0561/804-3342

Aktuelle Informationen zum Semester

Dear students!

As we are gearing up for a term in real classrooms and on campus, please be advised of the following regulations concerning

  1. Information: study the course descriptions (on eCampus) and outlines (on Moodle) carefully and be prepared for the first meeting in class by extensive and intensive reading of set texts.
  2. Course material: First get hold of books and additional texts; some will be placed on Moodle, others will have to be bought or borrowed, as stipulated in the course descriptions.
  3. Enrolment: register via eCampus so your instructor can communicate with you. You can register for a Moodle course yourself or you will receive a password. In the Moodle course you will find further, updated instructions.
  4. Attendance: decide early on if you can’t take the workload of any given course. Please drop the course (and mail your instructor) to make room for others. The old rules for seminars still apply: 25 students per PS or Uebung, 35 per HS, from the 3rd week of classes.
  5. Requirements of your course of study. Read your “Prüfungsordnung” and ensure that you know what you need according to your specific course of study (“Studiengang”). Is it a Studien- or a Prüfungsleistung?
  6. Coursework: Again, study the course descriptions and listen carefully to your instructor’s remarks in the first meeting re „Studien-“ and „Prüfungsleistungen“.
  7. Questions: don't wait to ask them. We try to be helpful, in office hours, via email or (if need be) by phone or Zoom.
  8. Learning by doing: this is an essential method. It applies to you as much as to us. Keep cool and carry on!