Con­fe­ren­ces, keyno­tes and pre­sen­ta­ti­ons (selec­tion)

  • "Futurism and Solidarity: Shifting Conditions of Solidarity", workshop with Kathleen Ditzig and Mayumi Hirano as part of the project "Tidal Rifts: Art, Cinema and Solidarity in East and Southeast Asia" (March 2025, Manila, Philippines)

  • "Beyond the Colonial Echoes", conversation with Ngô Thanh and Su Wei as part of the project "Watch on a Promontory: Artistic Internal and External Exchanges in East, Southeast, and South Asia in the 1950s-1980s” at the Goethe-Institut Hanoi (November 2024, Hanoi, Vietnam)

  • “The limits of liberalism, post-globalization and the rise of multipolarity”, moderation of a panel discussion with Zhao Dingxin, Jacob Dreyer and Heinz Bude as part of the “Experimental Publics” symposium at documenta Institut/Friedericianum and documenta-Halle (October 2024, Kassel, Germany) 

  • "China, Europe and the Future of Civilizations", introduction and coordination of a talk by Wang Hui (October 2024, Venice, Italy)
  • "If you had to choose, would you keep the Venice Biennial or all other biennials?", debate with Ben Davis as part of Cem A.'s performance "Crit Club" (September 2024, Zandaam, Netherlands)
  • "Madang Dialogue" on David Teh's “Imagined nations/modern utopias”, workshop and presentation as part of the 30th anniversary of Gwangju Biennale (September 2024, Gwangju/Seoul, South Korea)
  • „Art/History Sideways“, moderation of a forum with Su Wei, with panelists Koichiro Osaka & Wang Tuo, Kathleen Ditzig & Wei Ran (September 2024, Beijing, China)

  • “Endless Southeast Asia”, workshop and public program with Katleen Ditzig, Brigitta Isabella, Sooyoung Leam, Su Wei and Alia Swastika (May 2024, Bandung, Indonesia)
  • “How to make socially engaged art sustainable?”, lecture as part of the “gendering sustainability_geschlecht in sozial-ökologischer transformation” lecture series by the IAG Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung at the University of Kassel (May 2024, Kassel, Germany)
  • „Art in a Multipolar world“, lecture as part of the “Zu viel, zu wenig? Moralische Herausforderungen der Kunst heute” lecture series at TRACES (May 2024, Kassel, Germany)
  • “Zu viel, zu wenig? Moralische Herausforderungen der Kunst heute”, lecture series with Philipp Oswalt at TRACES (May-July 2024, Kassel, Germany)
  • „Unraveling a map and building a world”, conversation with Rae-Yen Song as part of the research exhibition "life-bestowing cadaverous soooooooooooooooooooot" at the Centre for Contemporary Arts in Glasgow (May 2024, Glasgow, Scotland).
  • “South-South Relations: Engaging With New Constellations and Dynamics in the Global Souths”, workshop of the GSSC-research section with Luis Gimenez Amoros, Lotte Arndt, Massimiliano Mollona (January 2024, Cologne, Germany) 
  • “Media encounters: 80s-90s video art, experimental film, and documentary in the former Third World”, film screening and talk with Merv Espina, Katrin Mundt and Salamat Köln at the Akademie der Künste der Welt (November 2023, Cologne, Germany) 
  • “Hybrid Strategies, Accidental Alliances”, round table discussion with Nora Khan, Nick Houde, Aslak Aamot Helm, Ben Vickers und Gary Zhexi Zhang at the public forum Art Bund: 2023 Rockbund Curatorial Dialogue (November 2023, Shanghai, China) 
  • “Dalla Cina all'universo”, dialogue with Chen Qiufan, Dingxin Zhao and Lorenzo Marsili at the film festival Internazionale a Ferrara (September 2023, Ferrara, Italy) 
  • “EcoQuest: Kann man mit VR-Spielen den Wald retten?”, workshop at the documenta Institut (September 2023, Kassel, Germany) 
  • “Cybernetics in China, an Introduction”, seminar with Gary Zhexi Zhang (July 2023, online/New York, NY) 
  • “What we are not talking about when we talk about exhibitions?”, lecture as part of the “Questions of Exhibiting” impulse lecture series at the Rundgang at Kunsthochschule Kassel (July 2023, Kassel, Germany) 
  • “Short Videos as Memory Practice of the Quotidian: Remembering with Kuaishou”, lecture as part of the lecture series "Digitalization of Memory Practices and Heritage in Global Perspectives" at the University of Bonn (July 2023, Bonn, Germany) 
  • “Education that lost its home”, conversation with Chto Delat at the THE EDUCATIONAL WEB Symposium at the Kunstverein in Hamburg (July 2023, Hamburg, Germany) 
  • “Europe as a Planetary Laboratory”, panel discussions at the launch of the Berggruen Institute European office (June 2023, Venice, Italy)  

  • “On the Move: Pastoralism, Tokens, Amulets and Spirits”, conversation with Fernando García-Dory at the Workshop Vital Currencies. Derivates of more-than-human encounters, Akademie Schlos Solitude and Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior (May 2023, Stuttgart, Germany) 

  • “Can you Be My Guest”, dialogue with X Zhu-Nowell, Rockbund Art Museum (April 2023, Shanghai, China)

  • “Institutions?!”, talk at ICAST, China Academy of Art (March 2023, Hangzhou, China) 

  • “Clouds and Power: Textiles in Central Asia”, talk at Art Basel Hong Kong with Slavs and Tatars (March 2023, Hong Kong, China)  

  • “Local, localist, international or internationalist? Geographical Imaginations of the Silk Road”, Post Graduate Art Talk at Goldsmiths, University of London (February 2023, London, United Kingdom) 

  • “Controversy over documenta fifteen: Background, Interpretation, and Analysis”, symposium on documenta fifteen, HFBK Hamburg (February 2023, Hamburg, Germany) 

  • “Learning from lumbung. Public Forum on documenta fifteen”, conversation with Emily Rosamond at the Jubilee programme hosted by the Kitchen, SOTA, radical_house, ERG (January 2023, Brussels, Belgium) 

  • “Silk Road and imperial geographical imagination of China”, presentation at the conference Tactics of Out-of-placeness • Тактики неуместности, conference (December 2022, Tashkent, Uzbekistan) 

  • “EXCHANGES // Cross-cultural Curation In And Beyond Asia”, conversation with Davide Quadrio, Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art Manchester (December 2022, Manchester, United Kingdom)  

  • “The Making of a Post-Cold-War China: ‘China Avantgarde’ and ‘Silent Energy’ in the 1990s”, panel with Quizi Guo at The 15th Annual Conference of Centre for Chinese Visual Arts, Birmingham City University, in partnership with De Montfort University, UK (December 2022, Birmingham, United Kingdom) 

  • “Gender Studies in Changing Times and Society”, round table discussion with Christine Klapeer, Mechthild Bereswill, Mieke Roscher and Autonomous Queer*Unit, IAG Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung Anniversary Celebration (November 2022, Kassel, Germany) 

  • “Yogyakarta Biennale Symposium”, Equator Symposium Online Series (November 2022, Yogyakarta and online) 

  • “Future Frontiers”, conversation with Can Sangu, Masha Salazkina, Furqat Palvan-Sade, Tashkent film festival, Uzbekistan National Pavilion (November 2022, Venice, Italy)

  • “Alternave Sharing Models”, panel moderation with panelists Nicholas Tammens and Julie Delnon as part of “Art Work(er)s – Gespräche zu Infrastrukturen und Ökonomien in Kunstproduktion”, Traces Forschungsstation (December 2022, Kassel, Germany) 

  • “Deserts Are Not Empty”, virtual book panel discussion with Alla Vronskaya, Samia Henni, Solveig Suess, and Paulo Tavares (November 2022, Kassel, Germany) 

  • “Talk mit documenta-Professor:innen”, talk with Felix Vogel and Liliana Gómez, moderated by Martin Schmidl (November 2022, Kassel, Germany) 

  • “Objects in Motion – Museums in Motion: Global Summit of Research Museums II”, Leibniz Forschungsmuseen (October 2022, Munich, Germany) 

  • “Where is the Planetary?”, practices and conversations, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (October 2022, Berlin, Germany) 

  • “Incredible Machines 2022: The Model Is The Message”, conference at The New Centre for Research & Practice (October 2022, New York and online) 

  • “What is Left of Technology?”, seminar in the UNSW Arts, Design & Architecture Contemporary Asia-Pacific Visual Cultures Webinar Series, co-hosted by the Department of Visual Studies, Lingnan University and the Judith Neilson Chair in Contemporary Art, UNSW (September 2022, Hong Kong and online)  

  • “Self-Governance & Commoning”, workshop with Massimo de Angelis and Marina Naprushkina, Summer School of the Innovative Training Programme FEINART at the Zeppelin University: Re-Imagining Socially Engaged Art Building New Ecologies in a Planetary Crisis (September 2022, Friedrichshafen, Germany) 

  • “Practitheorizing Counterinstitutions”, workshop at documenta fifteen, IMAGINART (September 2022, Kassel, Germany) 

  • “Media Ecologies”, panel discussion with Dieter Daniels, Ariana Dongus and Anne-Marie Duguet at the symposium Fujiko Nakaya. Multiverse, Haus der Kunst (July 2022, Munich, Germany) 

  • “System Relevant?! – Art, Cultural Policy and Democracy”, discussion at TRACES Forschungsstation (July 2022, Kassel, Germany) 

  • “Media Encounters, Cultural Confrontations: Kulturpolitik, agents and networks of the Goethe-Institut”, conversation with Merv Espina and Regina Wyrwoll, TRACES Forschungsstation (July 2022, Kassel, Germany) 

  • “Eurasian Geopoetics”, guest at a Black Tent Meeting with Cao Minghao & Chen Jianjun at documenta 15 (June 2022, Kassel, Germany) 

  • “Artistic Arbitrage in the Age of Financial Capitalism”, presentation at 5th Swiss Congress for Art History (June 2022, Zurich, Switzerland) 

  • “Forces of Art – Exploring new models of care taking for the funding ecosystem”, moderation of symposium, Prinz Claus Fonds and documenta Institut (June 2022, Kassel, Germany)   

  • “Praxis der Kunst”, panel discussion with Hanna Hinrichs, Christina Ludwig, Tino Sehgal, BBK-Symposium Kunst – Künstler:innen – Nachhaltigkeit (June 2022, Frankfurt am Main, Germany)

  • “In Production – Temple of Appropriated Histories”, panel discussion with Florian Lutz and Johanna Leinius, moderated by Thorleifur Örn Arnarsson, Staatstheater Kassel (June 2022, Kassel, Germany) 

  • "What if the Dam was removed?", panel discussion Anthony D. Barnosky, Lesley Green, Orit Halpern, Elizabeth A. Hadly, Brian Holmes, Michelle Murphy, Allison Stegner, Karolina Sobecka, Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò, Stephanie Wakefield, Mi You (21.05.2022, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin)1
  • "Core Readings", Theme day with Mit Soren Brothers, Neal Cantin, Kristine L. DeLong, Daniel Emanuelsson, Yongming Han, Jack Humby, Li Li, Francine M. G. McCarthy, Michelle Murphy, Sophia Roosth, Susan Schuppli, Catherine Tammaro, Dieter Tetzner, Liz Thomas, Mark Williams, Mi You and Jens Zinke (19.05.2022, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin)2 
  • “Seen Through Others”, panel discussion with Xinyi Cheng, Lafayette Anticipations (April 2022, Paris)
  • “Geographical Imaginations and Transcultural Curation”, presentation at Deutsch-chinesische Museumsgespräche, Goethe Institut (April 2022, Berlin)
  • “Value and Capital in the Arts” , M.1 Arthur Boskamp-Stiftung (April 2022, Hohenlockstedt)
  • “A Third Field”, panel discussion with Jenna Sutela, Julia Kangansiy, Kei Kreutler and Aslak Aamot, moderated by Lars Bang Larsen, Art Hub (April 2022, Copenhagen)
  • “A Date with Zheng Mahler”, panel discussion with Zheng Mahler, Singapore Art Museum (April 2022, Singapore)
  • “Tech Imaginaries on the Left”, Decolonizing Gender Studies Spring School (April 2022, Kassel)
  • “The Political Economy of NFT”, moderation of panel discussion, Art Basel Hong Kong (March 2022, Hong Kong)
  • “Forms of Kinship – Liquid Dependencies”, moderation of panel discussion, TRACES Forschungsstation (February 2022, Kassel)
  • “Art and Money”, lecture with Vienne Chan, TRACES Forschungsstation (January 2022, Kassel)
  • „Wie können wir Ökonomie(n) neu denken? How can we rethink economics?”3 presentation at Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen (January 2022)

  • “Cosmotechnics for the Future”, keynote at Wiener Festwochen (September 2021, Vienna)
  • “Udmurtian family signs: for a social blockchain”, presentation at “Everyday Design-MakerX” symposium, MIT (April 2021)
  • “Re-imagining the Internet: Roadmaps to Digital Equality”4, discussion with Nanjira Sambuli, Renata Avila Pinto and Esra’a Al Shafei, Goethe Institute Latitude festival (June 2020)
  • “Eurasia networks: an ecology of practices in common”, presentation at Concerning Monoculture conference organized by MuHKA and Van Abbemuseum (February 2020, Brussels)
  • “Petroglyphs, FamilyTokens, Metallurgy:nomadictechnologyanddistributedtechnologytoday”5, “Technology of Difference” presentation and panel discussion, Centre Pompidou (October 2019, Paris)
  • “Space, Technology and Chinese Science-(non-)Fiction”, presentation at “End-of-the-World Trade: On the Speculative Economies of Art and Extraction” conference, Goldsmith (June 2019, London)
  • “Geographies of Imagination | CuratorialCartographies”, presentation, Art Basel Hong Kong Conversations (March 2019, Hong Kong)
  • “I am Non-West AI”, presentation at Global Art Forum, Art Dubai (March 2018, Dubai)
  • “Science and Philosophy in Dialogue: CRISPR & Biodigital Desire”, with Le Cong, Institute for Provocation (December 2017, Beijing)
  • “What’s After the Nation State? Thoughts for a future below and beyond the nation” presentation, Transeuropa Festival (October 2017, Madrid)
  • Keynote at “Soils, Séances, Sciences and Politics (SSSP)-Seminar on the Posthuman and New Materialism”, Goethe Institute Beijing (Sep 2017, Beijing)
  • Panel presentation and discussion on post-truth with Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Vera List Center for Art and Politics, The New School (June 2017, New York)
  • “Slow silk road, networks, and denationalistic imaginaries”6, presentation as part of “Two or Three Tigers” exhibition program, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (April 2017, Berlin)
  • “Silk roads and nomadic identities”, “welcome to the former west” conference at steirischer herbst festival (Oct 2016, Graz)
  • “Thoughts on Asian Contemporaneity”, presentation at “Asian Contemporaneity, Now Jump” symposium, Asian Cultural Center (October 2013, Gwangju)
  • “Commons in City”, talk, Idea City Forum organized by New Museum (New York) at the Istanbul Design Biennale (November 2012, Istanbul)