Video recording of the farewell lecture Dr. Dieter Gawora

Brazil. Land of the future or of the past?

Farewell Lecture Dr. Dieter Gawora

Brazil. Land of the future or of the past?

Dr. Dieter Gawora will give a lecture on Thu. 30.6.22, 18h - 20h in lecture hall 4, Arnold-Bode-Str. 12 his farewell lecture.
He has done research on and in Brazil at the University of Kassel for almost 40 years. Collaboration with traditional peoples and communities, social movements, non-governmental organizations and colleagues at universities, especially in the Cerrado and Amazonia, shaped his academic life.
In his farewell lecture at the University of Kassel, he will reflect on these research years and possible vision for the future.

The farewell lecture can also be attended online via Zoom. If you are interested in participating in Zoom, please send a message to

Recordings of the seminar "Traditional Peoples and Communities in Brazil".

(Kopie 2): Forward

Dec. 1976

Abitur at the comprehensive school Gießen Ost

1977 - 1978

Civilian service at the German Red Cross in Giessen

1978 - 1984

Studies of social work at the Comprehensive University Kassel

1985 - 1986

Community project COMSAUDE in Porto Nacional - Tocantins, Brazil

1987 - 1988

Cultural project of the city of Kassel "Encontro com o Brasil

1989 - 2002

Documentary at the Latin America Documentation Center of the University of Kassel

1991 - 1993

Studies of Sociology and Educational Science at the University of Bielefeld and the University of Kassel


Doctorate: Urucu. Social, ecological and economic impacts of the oil and gas project Urucu in the state of Amazonas (Brazil).

2002 - 2009

Research assistant in the Department of Sociology of Developing Countries. Department of Social Sciences at the University of Kassel.

Since 2009

Research Assistant in the Department of Didactics of Politics. Department of Social Sciences at the University of Kassel.

August 2009 - December 2009

Visiting Professor at the Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros - UNIMONTES, Montes Claros - Minas Gerais (Brazil).

July 2013 -

May 2014

Visiting Professor at the Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros - UNIMONTES, Montes Claros - Minas Gerais (Brazil)

July 2016 - September 2016

Visiting Professor at the Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros - UNIMONTES, Montes Claros - Minas Gerais (Brazil)

February -

April 2019

Visiting Professor at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN (Brazil).


Sociology of developing countries

In recent years, research in the sociology of developing countries has focused on

  • The lifestyles and economies of traditional peoples and communities,
  • the social, ecological and economic effects of large-scale projects,
  • the manifestations of the Solidarity Economy in the South as well as in the North.

What these lines of research have in common is that they examine social relations to nature. The regional focus is Brazil, especially the Amazon region, the Cerrado, the central Brazilian savannah region, and the Northeast. There are also university partnerships with these regions.

There are research links and faculty and student exchanges with these regions. From the research line traditional peoples and communities, an interdisciplinary research group has been formed, from which individual research is carried out from different disciplines in different regions of the world.

Research Group Traditional Peoples and Communities



Gawora, Dieter (ed.): Traditionally Sustainable: Brazil, India, West Africa, Alps, Northern Hesse. V. International colloquium Traditional peoples and communities. ISBN: 978-3-7376-0610-3


Dias, Adriana dos Santos; Gawora, Dieter et al: Culinária e Saberes Tradicionais na Comunidade tradicional geraizeira Sobrado. Editora Unimontes. Montes Claros. ISBN 978-85-7739-505-7.


Gawora, Dieter; Bayer, Kristina (eds.): energy and democracy.

Development perspectives no. 103. kassel university press. ISBN 978-3-86219-612-8


Gawora, Dieter (ed.): social location of traditional peoples and communities. Development perspectives no. 102. kassel university press. ISBN 978-3-86219-420-9


Gawora, Dieter; Souza Ide, Maria Helena de; Barbosa, Rômulo Soares:

Povos e comunidades Tradicionais no Brasil. Editora Unimontes. Montes Claros. ISBN 978-85-7739-153-0


Gawora, Dieter; Souza Ide, Maria Helena de; Barbosa, Rômulo Soares:

Traditional peoples and communities in Brazil.Development perspectives no. 100. kassel university press. ISBN 978-3-86219-150-5


Feldt, Heidi; Gawora, Dieter; Nufer, Andréas; et al:

Another Amazonia is Possible. Dreams, visions and perspectives from Amazonia. Compiled for the 60th birthday of Clarita Müller-Plantenberg. Development perspectives no. 80. kassel university press. ISBN 3-89958-519-4


DAAD, University Kassel (eds) (Coordination Müller-Plantenberg, Clarita, Gawora, Dieter):

Universities and Rio + 10. Paths to sustainability in the regions, an interdisciplinary challenge. Development perspectives no. 77. kassel university press. ISBN: 3-89958-509-7


Gawora, Dieter:

Urucu. Impactos sociais, ecológicas e econômicas do projeto de petróleo e gás "Urucu" no Estado do Amazonas. Editora Valer. Manaus. ISBN 85-86512-58-3


Gawora, Dieter:

Urucu. Social, Ecological and Economic Impacts of the Urucu Oil and Gas Project in the State of Amazonas Brazil, Development Perspectives No. 71/72, Kassel, ISBN 3-89792-042-5.


Gawora, Dieter:

For example, rainforest. Lamuv. Göttingen, ISBN 3-88977-564-0


Gawora, Dieter:

The Mimi Cookbook. Dishes with History. A life around food. Kaufungen


Gawora, Dieter:

Conflicting land use conflicts in the Rio Trombetas region (Brazil). Lit Verlag. Münster. ISBN 3-8258-2095-5


Gawora, Dieter; Moser, Caudio:

Amazonia. Its destruction, hope and our responsibility. MISEREOR Distribution Company. Aachen 1993. ISBN 3-88916-106-5


Gawora, Dieter:

Sugar, bread and whip - The land question in Brazil. Brazilian Studies Publishers. Mettingen. ISBN 3-88559-011-5


Gawora, Dieter:

Latin America here: On the Development of International Solidarity Work in the Federal Republic. Development Perspectives 9/10. Kassel. ISBN 3-88122-181-6


2019Gawora Dieter (2019). Indigenous peoples in Alagoas. In: Brasilicum 253/354.
2018Gawora, Dieter (2018). Traditionally sustainable. In :Gawora, Dieter (Ed.). Traditionally sustainable. Brazil, India, West Africa, the Alps, northern Hesse. kassel university press. S. 7 - 12
2018Gawora, Dieter (2018). The rediscovery of communities. In :Gawora, Dieter (Ed.). Traditionally sustainable. Brazil, India, West Africa, the Alps, northern Hesse. kassel university press. S. 25 - 40
2016Gawora, Dieter: O redescobrimento das comunidades. In: Anaya, Felisa et al. (Org.): Povos e comunidades tradicionais no Brasil. Contribuição dos Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais para Outro Desenvolvimento. Editora Unimontes, Montes Claros
2016Gawora, Dieter: Stadens Warhaftige Historia and the difficult perception of others. In: Regionalmuseum Wolfhagen (ed.): Ein Nordhesse entdeckt Amerika. Hans Staden's travelogue from the year 1557.

Gawora, Dieter: Die Entdeckung der munizipalen Ebene. The arduous search of traditional communities for instruments to defend their territories. In: Latin America News 488.

2015Gawora, Dieter. The demographic change among indigenous peoples. In: Brasilicum. New old diversity. Traditional peoples in Brazil. In: Brasilicum 238/239. p. 27.
2015Gawora, Dieter: Collective Identities and Community Rights in Brazil. Obtaining land rights is still difficult for indigenous peoples and traditional communities. In: Matices 81
2015Gawora, Dieter: Strategic groups for sustainable development. Brasilicum. New ancient diversity. Traditional peoples in Brazil. Brasilicum 238/239. pp. 4 - 7.

Gawora, Dieter: Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais e seu Papel Estratégico - Da perspectiva Defensiva à Ofensiva. In:Revista Tempo da Ciência. Vol. 21, No 41 Unioeste - Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais. ISSN: 1414-3089 and-ISSN: 1981-4798. pp. 94 - 112.

Gawora, Dieter: Cerrado flashpoint. In: Brazil News 150

2013Gawora, Dieter; Bayer, Kristina: Energy and democracy. In: Gawora, Dieter; Bayer, Kristina: Energy and Democracy. Development perspectives 103. kassel univesity press. S. 7 - 10
2013Gawora, Dieter: The organization of social resistance against large-scale projects. In: Gawora, Dieter; Bayer, Kristina: Energy and democracy. Development perspectives 103. kassel univesity press. S. 35 - 48
2012Gawora, Dieter: Is a paradigm shift possible? Changing the direction of development needs an articulation of traditional peoples and communities. In: Gawora, Dieter (ed.): Social location of traditional peoples and communities. Development perspectives no. 102. kassel university press. S. 11 - 26
2012Gawora, Dieter: Social localization of traditional peoples and communities. In: Gawora, Dieter (ed.):Societal localization of traditional peoples and communities. Development perspectives no. 102. kassel university press. S. 7 - 10
2012Gawora, Dieter: Perspectivas dos povos e comunidades tradicionais: a volta da direção da aprendizagem. In: Artur de Souza Moret; Luciane Lima Costa e Silva (Org.): II Colóquio Brasil Alemanha. As ações de grupos de pesquisa do Brasil e da Alemanha que trabalham com populações tradicionais: resultados, práticas e ações futuras. Letra Capital, Rio de Janeiro, pp. 107 - 124.
2011Gawora, Dieter:Dying riverbank culture. Dam projects on the Rio Madeira threaten the centuries-old way of life and economy of the Beradeiros. In: Latin America News 449. pp.
2011Gawora, Dieter: Souza Ide, Maria Helena de; Barbosa, Rômulo Soares:Traditional peoples and communities in Brazil. Brazilian-German Colloquium. In: Gawora, Dieter; Souza Ide, Maria Helena; Barbosa, Rômulo Soares (eds.): Traditional Peoples and Communities in Brazil. Development Perspectives No. 100, Kassel, Germany, pp. 7 - 12.
2011Gawora, Dieter:Traditional peoples and communities as subjects of change. In: Gawora, Dieter; Souza Ide, Maria Helena; Barbosa, Rômulo Soares (eds.): Traditional peoples and communities in Brazil. Development Perspectives No. 100, Kassel, pp. 13 - 32.
2011Gawora, Dieter: Povos e comunidades tradicionais como sujeitos da mudança. In: Gawora, Dieter; Souza Ide, Maria Helena; Barbosa, Rômulo Soares (Org.): Povos e comunidades tradicionais no Brasil. Montes Claros, pp. 19 - 38.
2011Gawora, Dieter; Ide, Maria Helena de Souza; Barbosa, Rômulo Soares: Itroduçao. In: Gawora, Dieter; Souza Ide, Maria Helena; Barbosa, Rômulo Soares (Org.): Povos e comunidades tradicionais no Brasil. Editora Unimontes, Montes Claros,pp. 13 - 18.
2010Gawora, Dieter: Traditional peoples and communities as social actors. In: Moegling, Klaus; Overwien, Bernd; Sachs, Wolfgang: Globales Lernen im Politikunterricht. Series: Experience-oriented political education. Volume 1. Immenhausen near Kassel. S. 106 -. 129
2010Gawora, Dieter:Solidarity Economy and Territorial Development in Brazil. Strategies of traditional population groups in Brazil. Decree 6040 opens up new possibilities. In: Müller-Plantenberg, Clarita; Gawora, Dieter (eds.): Solidarity Networks and Solidarity Chains. Complex solidarity-based economic enterprises. Development perspectives 98, Kassel. S. 45 - 54
2009Dieter Gawora:Bulldozers and Blockades. Communities in the Brazilian Cerrado resist eucalyptus plantations. In: Lateinamerka Nachrichten 425. pp.
2009Gawora, Dieter; Moret, Artur de Souza: Rio Madeira. Return to the politics of large hydropower plants. In: Brasilicum. Special issue 186/187 Land under the tropical forest. Set./Oct. 2009. pp. 12 - 15.
2009Gawora, Dieter:The Cerrado - An almost unknown region of Brazil. In: Brazil News 139, 2009, p. 6
2009Gawora, Dieter:Traditional communities and their right to property. In: Brazil News 139. p. 18 - 19
2006Gawora, Dieter:Pulsating Aorta of Environmental Destruction. On the Planning of the Mercosur Pipeline. In: Latin America News, No. 382. p. 37 - 39
2006Gawora, Dieter:Misstep at Sugarloaf Mountain. Why Brazil cannot become world champion. Social Extra, Vol. 30, Issue 3/2006. pp. 24 - 27.
2003Feldt, Heidi; Gawora, Dieter; Rathgeber, Theodor:Another Amazonia is possible. Dreams, visions and perspectives from Amazonia. In: Heidi Feldt, et al: Another Amazonia is possible. Dreams, Visions and Perspectives from Amazonia. Compiled for the 60th birthday of Clarita Müller-Plantenberg. Development Perspectives No. 80. S. 7 - 12
2002Gawora, Dieter: The Indigenous Lead the Way. In: Kurella, Doris and Neitzke, Dietmar: Amazon Indians. LebensRäume - LebensRituale - LebensRechte, catalog for the exhibition of the same name in the Linden-Museum Stuttgart. Reimer Publishing House, Linden-Museum, Stuttgart, Berlin
2002Gawora, Dieter: Sad balance. The Destruction of Amazonia Continues. In: Kurella, Doris and Neitzke: Dietmar: Amazon Indians. LebensRäume - LebensRituale - LebensRechte, catalog for the exhibition of the same name at the Linden-Museum Stuttgart. Reimer Publishing House, Linden-Museum, Stuttgart, Berlin
2002Gawora, Dieter: Gasoduto o barcaça (parte I). In: Journal do Comercio, 11.10.2001 Manaus
2002Gawora, Dieter: Gasoduto o barcaça (parte II). In: Journal do Comercio, 18.10.2001 Manaus
2002Urucu. Natural gas project in the Brazilian rainforest, in: Ecocide Journal No. 21
2001Gawora, Dieter: Gás Natural de Urucu: Ameaça contra a população e a floresta amazônica. In: Pastoral da Terra, No. 165, Ano XXI, Out/Nov/Dec 2001, Goiânia.
1999Gawora, Dieter: A devastating large-scale project: Natural gas in Amazonia. In: Infoterra, Information Bulletin of the Grupo Suíço de Apoio aos Sem Terra, No. 11. Zurich.
1998Gawora, Dieter: Oil and Gas Production in the State of Amazonas. The Petróleo e Gás Natural de Urucu Project. Report on the trip from 1.3.1998 to 30.4.1998, Kassel.
1998Gawora, Dieter: Produção de Petróleo e de Gás Natura no Estado do Amazonas. Projeto Petróleo e Gás Natural de Urucu. Relatório da Viagem de Pesquisa 01.03.1998 - 30.04.1998, Kassel
1997Gawora, Dieter: Natural Gas in Amazonia. In: Brazil Workbook, Supplements 1997. Mettingen
1996Gawora, Dieter: Court in Belém acquits murderer of a descendant of the Quilombos. In: Brazil Newsletter 2/3 96. Eichstätten
1996Gawora, Dieter: Who knows the costs of aluminum production? Displacement and unpaid bills in Amazonia. In: Gabbert, Karin, et al: Offene Rechnungen, Latin America, Analyses and Reports, Yearbook 20, Bonn.
1992Gawora, Dieter: Indian knowledge in Amazonia, land use and healing knowledge, chance or danger?, In: Entwicklung und ländlicher Raum, 26.Jg., Heft 1/92, Frankfurt
1985Gawora, Dieter: Indians in Brazil. In: hispanorama, Mitteilungen des Deutschen Spanischlehrerverbandes, No. 1, Nuremberg Feb. 1985
1985Gawora, Dieter: Nicaragua, a piece of our hope. In: hesseblättche, communication organ of the BDP, No.24, Frankfurt
1985Gawora, Dieter: Let us seek dialogue with Nicaragua! In: Hessian Youth, journal of the Hessian Youth Ring, Jg.35, Heft 1/2, Wiesbaden
1981Gawora, Dieter; Wagner, Ruth: Nicaragua Travel Report 17.8.1980 - 25.9.1980 (In three parts). In: Nicaragua Aktuell, No. 9 - 11, Kiel Feb. - April 1981

Exhibitions, exhibition catalogs:


Gawora, Dieter:

Sugar, bread and whip - The land question in Brazil. Kassel


Beltz, E.; Engel, T.; Frickmeier, V.; Gawora, D.; et al:

Indian territories and large-scale projects - Threats to indigenous peoples and tropical rainforest in Brazil. Kassel


Beltz, Elisabeth; Engel, Thomas; Frickmeier, Verena; Gawora, Dieter; et al:

Catalog for the exhibition: Indian territories and large-scale projects - Threats to Indian peoples and tropical rainforest in Brazil. Kassel



CIMI, CEDI, IBASE, GhK (eds.) Coordination: Gawora, Dieter; Müller-Plantenberg, Clarita:

Áreas Indígenas e Grandes Projetos - Brasil, scale 1: 5,000,000, Berlin 1986.


CIMI, CEDI, IBASE, GhK (eds.) Coordination: Gawora, Dieter; Müller-Plantenberg, Clarita:

Regional map Polonoroeste, scale 1: 2.500.000, Berlin 1986


CIMI, CEDI, IBASE, GhK (eds.) Coordination: Gawora, Dieter; Müller-Plantenberg, Clarita:

Carajás regional map, scale 1: 2,500,000, Berlin 1986