Dr. Manuel Kohlert
Lecturer and Research Associate, Section: Early Modern History
- Telephone
- +49 561 804-3112
- manuel.kohlert[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
- Website
- Early Modern History
- Location
- Nora-Platiel 5
34127 Kassel
- Room
- Raum 2121
Since 05/2021 | Lecturer for special tasks in the fields of Early Modern History and Modern and Contemporary History as well as research assistant in the project "Back to the Future" at the University of Kassel |
02-03/2020 09-10/2020 | Habilitation fellow of the German Historical Institute in London |
2018 | Post-doctoral fellow of the Excellence Initiative of the Humboldt University Berlin |
01/2018 | PhD in Modern and Contemporary History at Humboldt University with the dissertation "Imperial Balance. On the Political Economy of Emotions during the Spanish Expansion in Latin America," supervised by Prof. Dr. Xenia von Tippelskirch and Prof. Dr. Peter Burschel (summa cum laude) |
2014-2017 | Doctoral fellow of the German National Academic Foundation |
2013-2014 | Pre-doctoral fellow of the Excellence Initiative of Humboldt University |
2011-2013 | Student teaching assistant and tutor for history and historical auxiliary sciences at Humboldt University |
2008-2011 | Student teaching assistant and tutor for medieval history at the chair of Prof. Dr. Michael Borgolte at the Humboldt University |
2007-2013 | Studies of History and Greek-Roman Archaeology at the Humboldt-University (graduation with distinction) |
Main areas of work
- History of the early modern period
- British and German History
- History of Iberoamerica
- Historical emotion research
- Historical Anthropology
- Cultural contacts
- Legal History
Habilitation Project:
Body and Pleasure in Print. Body and pleasure in 18th and early 19th century British and German periodicals (working title).
Dissertation project (completed: 01/2018):
Ideal Balance. The political economy of emotions during the Spanish expansion.
- Ideale Balance. Die politische Ökonomie der Emotionen während der spanischen Expansion, Frankfurt / New York 2019 (Campus Historische Studien 78), zugl. diss. phil. Berlin 2018.
Essays in anthologies
- Entsetzliche Bewunderung. Zum politischen Konzept des indigenen Staunens während der spanischen Expansion in der Frühen Neuzeit, in Timo Kehren / Carolin Krahn / Georg Oswald / Christoph Poetsch (eds.), Staunen. Perspektiven eines Phänomens zwischen Natur und Kultur, Paderborn 2019 (Poetik und Ästhetik des Staunens 6), pp. 35-56.
Internet publications
- Vicarious Observation. Conveying Pleasure and Sensory Experience in Eighteenth Century Periodicals, in German Historical Institute London Blog<https://ghil.hypotheses.org/409>(published 12/04/2021).
Lectures (selection)
- "Körper, Sinne und Vergnügen. Zur Medialität von Unterhaltung im 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhundert", Research Colloquium on European Early Modern History at Humboldt University, Berlin, June 02, 2021.
- "Körper, Sinne und Vergnügen in britischen Periodika des 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhunderts", Joint Research Colloquium of the Departments of Early Modern and Medieval History at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Dec. 16, 2020.
- "Hedonismuskulturen im frühneuzeitlichen London", Scholarship Colloquium of the German Historical Institute in London, 25.02.2020.
- "Love Stories. Narrative Strategien während der spanischen Expansion", guest lecture in the context of the lecture 'Postcolonial Theory' at the Romance Seminar of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, 16.01.2020.
- "Verkörpern – Vermitteln – Verstehen. Emotional Go-betweens in der Vormoderne", Cultural History Colloquium at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt/Oder, 22.05.2018.
- "Verkörpern – Vermitteln – Verstehen. Emotional Go-betweens und die spanische Expansion in Lateinamerika", Modern History Colloquium at the University of Kassel, 23.04.2018.
- "Von Kontrollverlust, Lebensgefahr und Lasterhaftigkeit - Emotionen und der Körper als Schaukasten der Sitten in der Vormoderne," Doctoral Meeting of the German National Academic Foundation in Florence, 04.07.2016.
- "Love, fear and conquest - Or how emotions and legal norms were interconnected during the Spanish expansion in 16th century Latin America", Conference: 'Emotions: Movement, Cultural Contact and Exchange, 1100-1800' in Berlin, 01.07.2016.
- "Son gente de amor y sin codicia – Emotionen und Entdeckungsreisen in Lateinamerika im langen 16. Jahrhundert", Early Modern Colloquium at Freie Universität Berlin, 17.11.2015.
- "Konquista und Emotionen. Die Eroberung Mexikos und Guatemalas im Spiegel zeitgenössischer Reiseberichte", Doctoral Forum of the German National Academic Foundation in Bonn, Oct. 30, 2015.
- "Terror útil or vía amorosa? Emotions, ambiguity and culture contact in the „New World“ between pragmatism and juridical-religious norms", Doctoral Students' Meeting of the German National Academic Foundation in Granada, 22.10.2015.
- "Emotionen auf Entdeckungsreisen im langen 16. Jahrhundert", conference of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutsche Lateinamerikaforschung in Berlin, 26.06.2015.
- "Von Liebe, Furcht und Tyrannei. Zu den Schriften Bartolomé de las Casas in emotionshistorischer Perspektive", Early Modern Colloquium at Humboldt University in Berlin, 26.11.2014.