Current projects

Uni Kassel Digital - Subproject: Making tutors and students digitally 'literate

Teaching project: Science podcast "Students explain European asylum and migration policy".

  • European asylum and migration policy
  • Critical research on migration and border regimes
  • (Right-wing) Populism and the "New Right" in Europe



Henkel, Nicholas (2021): Civil Society from the Right? - Hungary and the New Right. In: Wolfgang Schröder/Markus Trömmer (eds.): Rechtspopulismus. Civil Society. Democracy. Bonn: Dietz, pp.82-96.


Henkel, Nicholas (2020): Teaching and learning between populism and migration. Civic Education and Global Learning in the Third Phase of Teacher Education. In: Gesine Bade/Nicholas Henkel/Bernd Reef (Eds.): Politische Bildung: vielfälig - kontrovers - global. Festschrift for Bernd Overwien. Schwalbach/Ts: Wochenschau Verlag, pp.167-180.

Together with Gesine Bade and Bernd Reef (eds.): Civic Education: Diverse - Controversial - Global. Festschrift for Bernd Overwien. Schwalbach/Ts: Wochenschau Verlag.

Together with Gesine Bade and Bernd Reef (2020): Introduction. In: this. (Eds.): Political education: multifaceted - controversial - global. Festschrift for Bernd Overwien. Schwalbach/Ts: Wochenschau Verlag, pp. 7-13.

Henkel, Nicholas (ed.): The Orientation Framework in Times of Social Transformation. Learning between Migration and Populism. Handout for teachers and multipliers. Free download here!


Henkel, Nicholas (Ed.): The Orientation Framework in Times of Societal Transformation. Learning between migration and populism. Teaching material on the KMK Orientation Framework for Global Development Education for the subjects Politics & Economics and History (Sek I & II) [Teaching material booklet]. Free download here!

Together with Moritz Elliesen and Sophie Kempe (2019): Pretty Best Enemies: Fidesz and the EU. On the development of an ambivalent relationship. In: Keil, Daniel/Wissel, Jens (eds.): Staatsprojekt Europa. A State-Theoretical Perspective on the European Union. Staatsverständnisse 137. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp.137-158.


Together with Moritz Elliesen and Sophie Kempe (2018): The authoritarian turn in Hungary. State Project Europe Research Group. Working Papers, No. 1, December 2018. available online free of charge here.

Together with Maria Grüning (2018): Alles Fake oder was?! Media projects in civic education. In: PÄDAGOGIK (8/2018), pp.25-27. Weinheim: Beltz.


Workshops, lectures & trainings

02/2021: "Old Wine in New Bottles? Die Neue Rechte - Akteur*innen, Ideologie und Strategie" [The New Right - Actors, Ideology and Strategy], digital guest lecture in the context of the lecture "Was ist Politikwissenschaft?" [What is Political Science], by Prof. Dr. Sonja Buckel, University of Kassel.

01/2021:"Willkommenskultur oder Festung Europa - Soziale Kämpfe um Migrationspolitik in der EU" (Welcome Culture or Fortress Europe - Social Struggles over Migration Policy in theEU) , digital guest lecture with subsequent discussion as part of the lecture series " Education for Sustainable Development in a Globalized World" for the study profile "Internationalization and Education for Sustainable Development" (interESD), University of Kassel .

09/2020: "Erst intellektuell führen, dann politisch herrschen - Das Verhältnis rechter Akteure zur Zivilgesellschaft aus hegemonietheoretischer Perspektive", presentation at the conference "Rechtspopulismus in der organisierten Zivilgesellschaft", University of Kassel, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Otto-Brenner-Stiftung, Baunatal.

02/2020:"Die Neue Rechte in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland", guest lecture at the lecture "Was ist Politikwissenschaft?" by Prof. Dr. Sonja Buckel, University of Kassel.

12/2019:"Willkommenskultur oder Festung Europa - Soziale Kämpfe um Migrationspolitik in der EU", lecture input together with Prof. Dr. Andreas Eis in the context of the lecture series "Education for Sustainable Development in a Globalized World" for the study profile "Internationalization and Education for Sustainable Development" (interESD), University of Kassel .

10/2019: One-day teacher training course "Learning between migration and populism" as part of the project "The orientation framework in times of social transformation", University of Kassel.

09/2019: "Learning between migration and populism". - Teachers' workshop at the annual conference of UNESCO project schools in Kassel, University of Kassel.

05/2019:"Rechtspopulismus und (Neue)Rechte - Fachwissenschaftliche und Fachdidaktische Perspektiven" - Teacher Workshop in the context of the Pädagogischer Tag at the Studienseminar Kassel, Kassel.

02/2019: "The Orientation Framework in Times of Social Transformation: Learning between Populism and Migration" Workshop at the conference"Bildung. Power. Future.-Learning for the socio-ecological transformation", University of Kassel.

11/2018: "Conjunctures of Right-Wing Populism - Current Explanatory Approaches in Discussion" Workshop at the network meeting of "Wir-Zusammen - Die Integrationsinitiative der Deutschen Wirtschaft" at the Deutsche Bahn-Akademie, Potsdam.

10/2018: Three-day teacher training "Learning between migration and populism" as part of the project "The orientation framework in times of social transformation", University of Kassel.

07/2018: "Zbetw een Privilege and Exclusion: "The Social" as a Mobilization Field of Right-Wing Populist Movements and Parties"At the Herr*Krit Critical Summer University, University of Kassel.

04/2018: "The Summer of Migration - Questioning Old Narratives and Patterns of Interpretation in the Context of the Flight Movement of 2015".at the symposium of the beratungsNetzwerk Hessen gemeinsam für Demokratie und gegen Rechtsextremismus, Butzbach.


Further education, training and teaching experience

Since 2017/2018 - : Teaching experience in the subject areas "Didactics of Political Education" as well as "Comparative Political Science" (topics: Introduction to scientific work, (right-wing) populism and extremism, (comparative) asylum and migration policy, didactics of political education).

2019-2021: Conception, implementation and evaluation of the training of orientation tutors at the Department 05- Social Sciences of the University of Kassel (together with PD. Dr. Bernd Reef)

07/2017-12/2019: Conception, implementation and evaluation of training events for teachers of different school types, levels and subjects (main topics: migration, populism) within the framework of the BMZ-funded third-party project "Learning between migration and populism".


Seminar and teaching projects (financed by QSL funds)

Summer semester 2020: "Podcasts as a study performance - Production of asynchronous learning media as a form of modern science communication" (QSL funding line: Didactic projects) [Satus: Completed] [Link to project page here]

Summer semester 2021: "Research-oriented learning - Development of a political science lexicon on the extreme right in Central and Eastern Europe" (QSL funding line: Research-oriented learning) [Status: in application] [Link to project page follows]

Click here for the completed third-party funded projects!