
Eine Kultur- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte von #BIERINDERANTIKE

Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Geschichte und EDV e.V.

Europe and the Ancient Near East. Reception and Construction of Images of the ANE since the 17th Century

Market(s) - Market Buildings - Market Squares

Melammu Symposia 10 - Societies at War

(Self-)Pre­sen­ta­ti­on and Per­cep­ti­on of Power­ful Wo­men in the An­ci­ent World - Me­l­am­mu Work­shop 8

The Persian Empire - Reception, Appropriation and Argumentation from Antiquity to the Present Day

Epigraphik und Alte Geschichte Werner Eck zum 75. Geburtstag

Textile Trade and Distribution 2. From the Ancient Near East to the Mediterranean (1000 BC to AD 400)