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GEG / EnEV calculation aids and info

The use of the calculation methods implemented in the calculation aids - DIN V 4108-6 and DIN V 4701-10 - are no longer permitted for energy balancing within the framework of the Building Energy Act (verification, issuing of energy performance certificates) as of December 31, 2023!
The Excel tool can still be used for preliminary measurements or non-GEG-relevant energy balances.

Building Energy Act 2023 Full citation: "Building Energy Act of August 8, 2020 (BGBl. I p. 1728), as amended by Article 18a of the Act of July 20, 2022 (BGBl. I p. 1237)."

JIT 2023 Text:

GEG 2023 Calculation aids

The verification procedure for residential buildings in accordance with the Building Energy Act 2023 is available as a calculation aid based on Microsoft Excel. The tool is based on the calculation procedures from DIN V 4108-6 and DIN V 4701-10.

With the version number 4, the transition from the GEG 2020 to the GEG 2023 was implemented with the calculation sheet in January 2023. The main changes compared to the version for GEG 2023 can be summarized as follows:

  • Tightening of the QP new construction requirements from QP,reference * 0.75 to QP,reference * 0.55

  • Elimination of the "simplified procedure" for the crediting of electricity from renewable sources (GEG § 23)

  • Interface for the creation/registration of energy certificates according to GEG (print application version 4.0; installation is required to use this function)

Information on the control file scheme for energy certificates can be found at

The version of the building energy law published by the federal government in the Federal Law Gazette on August 13, 2020.

JIT 2020 text (copy 1): Download JIT 2020 - text

GEG 2020 calculation aids

The verification procedure for residential buildings in accordance with the Building Energy Act 2020 is available as a calculation aid based on Microsoft Excel. The tool is based on the calculation methods from DIN V 4108-6 and DIN V 4701-10.

With version number 3, the transition from the  EnEV to the GEG was implemented with the calculation sheet in July 2021. The main changes compared to the EnEV 2016 version can be summarized as follows:

  • Calculation and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Thermal bridge correction value according to DIN 4108, Supplement 2, Category B

  • Crediting of electricity from renewable energies (GEG § 23)
  • Information on the use of renewable energies for heating and cooling (GEG Section 4)
  • Presentation ofCO2 equivalents for sample plants
  • Interface for the creation/registration of energy certificates according to GEG (print application version 3.0; installation is required to use this function)

Information on the control file scheme for energy certificates can be found at

The version of the Energy Saving Ordinance published by the Federal Government in the Federal Law Gazette on 21.11.2013.

EnEV 2014 text: Download EnEV 2014 - text

EnEV-2014/2016 Calculation aids

For the calculation method for residential buildings according to the Energy Saving Ordinance 2014/2016 (DIN V 4108-6/DIN V 4701-10, reference building method), a calculation aid based on Microsoft Excel is available here (monthly balance method, reference building method).

New version 2.xx:

  • completely revised version
  • new layout
  • detailed instructions
  • saving/loading projects
  • area calculation
  • U-value calculation
  • Display of monthly values

As of version 2.08, the control file schema(, which has been changed since June 2016 and is to be used exclusively since July 1, 2017, is taken into account.

The version of the Energy Saving Ordinance published by the German government in the Federal Law Gazette on April 30, 2009.

EnEV 2009 text: Download EnEV 2009 - text

EnEV 2009 calculation aids

For the calculation method for residential buildings according to the Energy Saving Ordinance 2009 (DIN V 4108-6/DIN V 4701-10, reference building method), a calculation aid based on Microsoft Excel is available here.


The provision of the documents and calculation aids is free of charge.
A support (hotline) is therefore not included.
Please refrain from telephone inquiries regarding program operation. Since these are not professional software products, no liability can be assumed for error-free operability.