
Aktuelle Veranstaltungen


The Value of the Present (Sektion des 5. Schweizerischen Kongress für Kunstgeschichte)


Barbara Reisinger, University of Stuttgart; Felix Vogel, University of Kassel

Contemporary artists have recently developed works for which the question of (monetary) value is no longer external but a structural part of the work itself. By using procedures of exchange, investment, speculation or debt, these artists complicate the art object’s commodity function. Strategies that generate and increase the value of artistic products are not only addressed as subject matter, but used as a medium, e.g. through artists making investments or offering works as contractual loans.

Our panel maps these artistic processes, which have received little attention in research to date: How do artistic works and practices relate to their value and their own position in the global financial system? How are mechanisms of the constitution and increase of value symbolized, appropriated and applied?
Starting from these questions, this panel develops a typology of relationships between contemporary art and the elusive operations of the global financial market.

09.15 – 09.30

09.30 – 10.00 
Simon Baier, University of Basel

10.00 – 10.30 
Entwertung als Entschädigung. Juristisch angelegte Wertminderung in Cameron Rowlands Arbeit «Depreciation»
Lucie Pia, University of Vienna

10.30 – 11.00
Coffee Break

11.00 – 11.30
Flint Jamison’s Examination of Preferential Tax Treatment Strategies in the Art Sector
Eric Golo Stone, Künstlerhaus Stuttgart

11.30 – 12.00
Artistic Arbitrage in the Age of Financial Capitalism
Mi You, University of Kassel

12.00 – 12.30
The Problem with Values. Zu ökonomischen Logiken in künstlerischer Produktion
Claire Zimmermann, University of Kassel


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Vergangene Veranstaltungen

The Value of the Present (Sektion des 5. Schweizerischen Kongress für Kunstgeschichte)


Barbara Reisinger, University of Stuttgart; Felix Vogel, University of Kassel

Contemporary artists have recently developed works for which the question of (monetary) value is no longer external but a structural part of the work itself. By using procedures of exchange, investment, speculation or debt, these artists complicate the art object’s commodity function. Strategies that generate and increase the value of artistic products are not only addressed as subject matter, but used as a medium, e.g. through artists making investments or offering works as contractual loans.

Our panel maps these artistic processes, which have received little attention in research to date: How do artistic works and practices relate to their value and their own position in the global financial system? How are mechanisms of the constitution and increase of value symbolized, appropriated and applied?
Starting from these questions, this panel develops a typology of relationships between contemporary art and the elusive operations of the global financial market.

09.15 – 09.30

09.30 – 10.00 
Simon Baier, University of Basel

10.00 – 10.30 
Entwertung als Entschädigung. Juristisch angelegte Wertminderung in Cameron Rowlands Arbeit «Depreciation»
Lucie Pia, University of Vienna

10.30 – 11.00
Coffee Break

11.00 – 11.30
Flint Jamison’s Examination of Preferential Tax Treatment Strategies in the Art Sector
Eric Golo Stone, Künstlerhaus Stuttgart

11.30 – 12.00
Artistic Arbitrage in the Age of Financial Capitalism
Mi You, University of Kassel

12.00 – 12.30
The Problem with Values. Zu ökonomischen Logiken in künstlerischer Produktion
Claire Zimmermann, University of Kassel


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